Commit 24a8038d authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

fix shuffle hand

parent 2106d11a
Pipeline #21951 passed with stages
in 15 minutes and 13 seconds
......@@ -8,25 +8,33 @@ export default (shuffleHand: MsgShuffleHand) => {
// 本质上是要将手卡的sequence变成和codes一样的顺序
const hands =, controller);
const t: Record<number, number[]> = {};
const t: Map<number, number[]> = new Map([]);
codes.forEach((code, sequence) => {
t[code] = t[code] || [];
const v = t.get(code);
if (v) {
} else {
t.set(code, [sequence]);
hands.forEach((hand) => {
const target = t[hand.code];
const target = t.get(hand.code);
if (target !== undefined) {
const sequence = target.shift();
if (sequence) {
hand.sequence = sequence;
} else {
`<ShuffleHand>sequence shift from target is null, controller=${controller} hands=${hands}, codes=${codes}`
`<ShuffleHand>sequence shift from target is null, controller=${controller}, target=${target}, codes=${codes}`
} else {
`<ShuffleHand>target from records is null, controller=${controller} hands=${hands}, codes=${codes}`
`<ShuffleHand>target from records is null, controller=${controller}, hands=${
(hand) => hand.code
)}, codes=${codes}`
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