Commit 631b5df1 authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

sync neos-protobuf

parent a669016d
Subproject commit 1484721f97b2353631d11f869c8371a46a7def9d
Subproject commit ed6ff3b15aaa74e35feb40d33aa518b52a275402
......@@ -1295,37 +1295,55 @@ export namespace ygopro {
export class StocTypeChange extends pb_1.Message {
#one_of_decls: number[][] = [];
constructor(data?: any[] | {
type?: number;
self_type?: StocTypeChange.SelfType;
is_host?: boolean;
}) {
pb_1.Message.initialize(this, Array.isArray(data) ? data : [], 0, -1, [], this.#one_of_decls);
if (!Array.isArray(data) && typeof data == "object") {
if ("type" in data && data.type != undefined) {
this.type = data.type;
if ("self_type" in data && data.self_type != undefined) {
this.self_type = data.self_type;
if ("is_host" in data && data.is_host != undefined) {
this.is_host = data.is_host;
get type() {
return pb_1.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, 0) as number;
get self_type() {
return pb_1.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, StocTypeChange.SelfType.UNKNOWN) as StocTypeChange.SelfType;
set type(value: number) {
set self_type(value: StocTypeChange.SelfType) {
pb_1.Message.setField(this, 1, value);
get is_host() {
return pb_1.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, false) as boolean;
set is_host(value: boolean) {
pb_1.Message.setField(this, 2, value);
static fromObject(data: {
type?: number;
self_type?: StocTypeChange.SelfType;
is_host?: boolean;
}): StocTypeChange {
const message = new StocTypeChange({});
if (data.type != null) {
message.type = data.type;
if (data.self_type != null) {
message.self_type = data.self_type;
if (data.is_host != null) {
message.is_host = data.is_host;
return message;
toObject() {
const data: {
type?: number;
self_type?: StocTypeChange.SelfType;
is_host?: boolean;
} = {};
if (this.type != null) {
data.type = this.type;
if (this.self_type != null) {
data.self_type = this.self_type;
if (this.is_host != null) {
data.is_host = this.is_host;
return data;
......@@ -1333,8 +1351,10 @@ export namespace ygopro {
serialize(w: pb_1.BinaryWriter): void;
serialize(w?: pb_1.BinaryWriter): Uint8Array | void {
const writer = w || new pb_1.BinaryWriter();
if (this.type != 0)
writer.writeInt32(1, this.type);
if (this.self_type != StocTypeChange.SelfType.UNKNOWN)
writer.writeEnum(1, this.self_type);
if (this.is_host != false)
writer.writeBool(2, this.is_host);
if (!w)
return writer.getResultBuffer();
......@@ -1345,7 +1365,10 @@ export namespace ygopro {
switch (reader.getFieldNumber()) {
case 1:
message.type = reader.readInt32();
message.self_type = reader.readEnum();
case 2:
message.is_host = reader.readBool();
default: reader.skipField();
......@@ -1359,6 +1382,18 @@ export namespace ygopro {
return StocTypeChange.deserialize(bytes);
export namespace StocTypeChange {
export enum SelfType {
PLAYER1 = 1,
PLAYER2 = 2,
PLAYER3 = 3,
PLAYER4 = 4,
PLAYER5 = 5,
PLAYER6 = 6,
export class StocHsPlayerChange extends pb_1.Message {
#one_of_decls: number[][] = [];
constructor(data?: any[] | {
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