Commit 807970fc authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

add neos-protobuf as submodule

parent ab1436a0
[submodule "neos-protobuf"]
path = neos-protobuf
url =
Subproject commit a54ddaec084aaf70a779f5a876d2e8554905625c
syntax = "proto3";
package ygopro;
option go_package = "DarkNeos/ygopropb";
message YgoCtosMsg {
oneof msg {
CtosPlayerInfo ctos_player_info = 1;
CtosJoinGame ctos_join_game = 2;
CtosUpdateDeck ctos_update_deck = 3;
message YgoStocMsg {
oneof msg {
StocJoinGame stoc_join_game = 1;
StocChat stoc_chat = 2;
StocHsPlayerEnter stoc_hs_player_enter = 3;
StocTypeChange stoc_type_change = 4;
// ----- CTOS -----
message CtosPlayerInfo {
string name = 1;
message CtosJoinGame {
int32 version = 1;
int32 gameid = 2;
string passwd = 3;
message CtosUpdateDeck {
repeated int32 main = 1;
repeated int32 extra = 2;
repeated int32 side = 3;
// ----- STOC -----
message StocJoinGame {
int32 lflist = 1;
int32 rule = 2;
int32 mode = 3;
int32 duel_rule = 4;
bool no_check_deck = 5;
bool no_shuffle_deck = 6;
int32 start_lp = 7;
int32 start_hand = 8;
int32 draw_count = 9;
int32 time_limit = 10;
message StocChat {
int32 player = 1;
string msg = 2;
message StocHsPlayerEnter {
string name = 1;
int32 pos = 2;
message StocTypeChange {
int32 type = 1;
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