Commit 86a8fa0f authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

fix small

parent 65d8dde5
Pipeline #20575 passed with stages
in 6 minutes and 22 seconds
......@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ const CardModal = () => {
const meta = useAppSelector(selectCardModalMeta);
const name = meta?;
const desc = meta?.text.desc;
const atk = meta?.data.atk || 0;
const def = meta?.data.def || 0;
const atk = meta?.data.atk;
const def = meta?.data.def;
const imgUrl = meta?.id
? `${NeosConfig.cardImgUrl}/${}.jpg`
: undefined;
......@@ -48,17 +48,25 @@ const CardModal = () => {
<Row gutter={8}>
<Icon component={BattleSvg} />
{atk ? (
<Icon component={BattleSvg} />
) : (
<Icon component={DefenceSvg} />
{def ? (
<Icon component={DefenceSvg} />
) : (
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