Commit 8a848677 authored by chechunchi's avatar chechunchi

add handresult hint

parent 7de528a2
Pipeline #22495 passed with stages
in 13 minutes and 28 seconds
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { useSnapshot } from "valtio";
import { fetchStrings } from "@/api";
import { Phase2StringCodeMap } from "@/common";
import { useConfig } from "@/config";
import { matStore } from "@/stores";
import { HandResult, matStore } from "@/stores";
const style = {
borderStyle: "groove",
......@@ -22,9 +22,8 @@ export const HintNotification = () => {
const snap = useSnapshot(matStore);
const hintState = snap.hint;
const toss = snap.tossResult;
const handResults = snap.handResults;
const currentPhase = snap.phase.currentPhase;
// const waiting = snap.waiting;
const result = snap.result;
const [notify, notifyContextHolder] = notification.useNotification({
......@@ -54,6 +53,21 @@ export const HintNotification = () => {
}, [toss]);
// TODO: I18n
useEffect(() => {
const meHand =;
const opHand = handResults.op;
if (meHand !== HandResult.UNKNOWN && opHand !== HandResult.UNKNOWN) {{
message: `{我方出示${getHandResultText(
placement: "topLeft",
style: style,
}, [handResults]);
useEffect(() => {
if (currentPhase) {
const message = fetchStrings(
......@@ -117,3 +131,17 @@ export const showWaiting = (open: boolean) => {
// TODO: I18n
function getHandResultText(res: HandResult): string {
switch (res) {
case HandResult.UNKNOWN:
return "[?]";
case HandResult.ROCK:
return "拳头";
case HandResult.PAPER:
return "";
case HandResult.SCISSOR:
return "剪刀";
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