Commit bcfa9ca4 authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

continue on AnnounceModal

parent 7b4082b8
Pipeline #26758 failed with stages
in 8 minutes and 46 seconds
......@@ -16,6 +16,17 @@ export interface FtsConditions {
atk: { min: number | null; max: number | null }; // 攻击力区间
def: { min: number | null; max: number | null }; // 防御力区间
export const emptySearchConditions: FtsConditions = {
atk: { min: null, max: null },
def: { min: null, max: null },
levels: [],
lscales: [],
races: [],
attributes: [],
types: [],
export interface FtsParams {
query: string; // 用于全文检索的query
conditions: FtsConditions; // 过滤条件
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import { subscribeKey } from "valtio/utils";
import { type CardMeta, searchCards } from "@/api";
import { isExtraDeckCard, isToken } from "@/common";
import { FtsConditions } from "@/middleware/sqlite/fts";
import { emptySearchConditions, FtsConditions } from "@/middleware/sqlite/fts";
import { deckStore, emptyDeck, type IDeck, initStore } from "@/stores";
import {
......@@ -327,15 +327,6 @@ export const DeckEditor: React.FC<{
const Search: React.FC = () => {
const { modal } = App.useApp();
const [searchWord, setSearchWord] = useState("");
const emptySearchConditions: FtsConditions = {
atk: { min: null, max: null },
def: { min: null, max: null },
levels: [],
lscales: [],
races: [],
attributes: [],
types: [],
const [searchConditions, setSearchConditions] = useState<FtsConditions>(
......@@ -3,12 +3,17 @@ import { Avatar, Button, Input, List } from "antd";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { proxy, useSnapshot } from "valtio";
import { CardMeta, sendSelectOptionResponse } from "@/api";
import { CardMeta, searchCards, sendSelectOptionResponse } from "@/api";
import { isToken } from "@/common";
import { emptySearchConditions } from "@/middleware/sqlite/fts";
import { getCardImgUrl } from "@/ui/Shared";
import { NeosModal } from "../NeosModal";
import styles from "./index.module.scss";
const MAX_DESC_LEN = 20;
const PAGE_SIZE = 5;
interface Props {
isOpen: boolean;
opcodes: number[];
......@@ -27,7 +32,14 @@ export const AnnounceModal: React.FC = () => {
const [cardList, setCardList] = useState<CardMeta[]>([]);
const [selected, setSelected] = useState<number | undefined>(undefined);
const handleSearch = () => {};
const handleSearch = () => {
const result = searchCards({
query: searchWord,
conditions: emptySearchConditions,
}).filter((card) => !isToken( ?? 0));
const onSummit = () => {
if (selected !== undefined) {
......@@ -65,14 +77,18 @@ export const AnnounceModal: React.FC = () => {
pagination={{ position: "bottom", align: "center" }}
position: "bottom",
align: "center",
pageSize: PAGE_SIZE,
renderItem={(item, index) => (
<List.Item key={index}>
avatar={<Avatar src={getCardImgUrl(} />}
description={item.text.desc?.substring(0, MAX_DESC_LEN) + "..."}
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