Commit bf0a16f2 authored by chechunchi's avatar chechunchi

optimize handleDropdownMenu

parent a2581ce5
Pipeline #22472 passed with stages
in 15 minutes and 39 seconds
......@@ -319,11 +319,19 @@ const handleDropdownMenu = (cards: CardType[], isField: boolean) => {
} else {
// 场地: 选择卡片
const option = await displaySimpleSelectCardsModal({
selectables: => ({
meta: card.meta,
location: card.location,
selectables: cards
// 过滤掉不能发效果的卡
(card) =>
({ interactType }) => interactType === InteractType.ACTIVATE
) !== undefined
.map((card) => ({
meta: card.meta,
location: card.location,
card = option[0].card! as any; // 一定会有的,有输入则定有输出
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