Commit d27f3e1a authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

update focus animation, use translation when in hand or deck

parent b4e4a4e8
Pipeline #22365 failed with stages
in 11 minutes and 23 seconds
import { config } from "@react-spring/web";
import { ygopro } from "@/api";
import { type CardType, matStore } from "@/stores";
......@@ -9,10 +7,23 @@ import { asyncStart } from "./utils";
/** 发动效果的动画 */
export const focus = async (props: { card: CardType; api: SpringApi }) => {
const { card, api } = props;
await asyncStart(api)({
focusScale: 1.5,
focusDisplay: "block",
focusOpacity: 0,
api.set({ focusScale: 1, focusOpacity: 1, focusDisplay: "none" });
if ( == ygopro.CardZone.HAND || == ygopro.CardZone.DECK
) {
const current = api.current[0].get();
await asyncStart(api)({
y: current.y + (matStore.isMe(card.location.controller) ? -1 : 1) * 200, // TODO: 放到config之中
ry: 0,
rz: 0,
await asyncStart(api)({ y: current.y, ry: current.ry, rz: current.rz });
} else {
await asyncStart(api)({
focusScale: 1.5,
focusDisplay: "block",
focusOpacity: 0,
api.set({ focusScale: 1, focusOpacity: 1, focusDisplay: "none" });
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