Commit e1115001 authored by timel's avatar timel Committed by Chunchi Che

fix: store in devtool, compile error

parent 0c1920d6
......@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ import { subscribeKey } from "valtio/utils";
import { fetchCard, ygopro } from "@/api";
import { useConfig } from "@/config";
import { sleep } from "@/infra";
import { cardStore, CardType, store } from "@/stores";
const { matStore } = store;
import { cardStore, CardType, matStore } from "@/stores";
const TOKEN_SIZE = 13; // 每人场上最多就只可能有13个token
export default async (start: ygopro.StocGameMessage.MsgStart) => {
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import { DeckManager, fetchDeck, type IDeck } from "@/api/deck";
import { useConfig } from "@/config";
import socketMiddleWare, { socketCmd } from "@/middleware/socket";
import sqliteMiddleWare, { sqliteCmd } from "@/middleware/sqlite";
import { store } from "@/stores";
import { joinStore, chatStore, moraStore, playerStore } from "@/stores";
const NeosConfig = useConfig();
......@@ -42,8 +42,11 @@ const {
} = useConfig();
const WaitRoom = () => {
const state = store;
const snap = useSnapshot(state);
const snapJoin = useSnapshot(joinStore);
const snapChat = useSnapshot(chatStore);
const snapMora = useSnapshot(moraStore);
const snapPlayer = useSnapshot(playerStore);
const params = useParams<{
player?: string;
passWd?: string;
......@@ -89,12 +92,12 @@ const WaitRoom = () => {
const [api, contextHolder] = notification.useNotification();
const joined = snap.joinStore.value;
const chat = snap.chatStore.message;
const isHost = snap.playerStore.isHost;
const player0 = snap.playerStore.player0;
const player1 = snap.playerStore.player1;
const duelStart = snap.moraStore.duelStart;
const joined = snapJoin.value;
const chat = snapChat.message;
const isHost = snapPlayer.isHost;
const player0 = snapPlayer.player0;
const player1 = snapPlayer.player1;
const duelStart = snapMora.duelStart;
// FIXME: 这些数据应该从`store`中获取
// TODO: 云卡组
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