Commit eebf7ebd authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

sync neos-protobuf and small

parent 740f4fda
Pipeline #17550 passed with stages
in 3 minutes and 5 seconds
Subproject commit 6ab136c4f46e389b67010fc84389042c740a124d
Subproject commit d1901b32953c3f334ad377a52d8049dbb0302ad1
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import "../css/Mora.css";
import { useAppSelector } from "../hook";
import { selectMoraSelectAble } from "../reducers/moraSlice";
// TODO: 应该展示对手卡组信息和聊天信息
export default function Mora() {
const selectAble = useAppSelector(selectMoraSelectAble);
return (
......@@ -87,16 +87,15 @@ export default function WaitRoom() {
// disabled={
// !(
// isHost &&
// player0.state != undefined &&
// player0.state === READY_STATE &&
// player1.state != undefined &&
// player1.state === READY_STATE
// )
// }
isHost &&
player0.state != undefined &&
player0.state === READY_STATE &&
player1.state != undefined &&
player1.state === READY_STATE
<Link to={{ pathname: `/mora` }}>start</Link>
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