Commit 12a471fc authored by Aaron Tidwell's avatar Aaron Tidwell


parent d0dbdf89
####This is in very early alpha
##super basic example
checkout this repo into ./
To get all tournaments on your account:
###Get all tournaments on your account
var challonge = require('./node-challonge');
......@@ -15,7 +11,7 @@ var client = challonge.createClient({
callback: function(err,data){
callback: function(err, data){
if (err) { console.log(err); return; }
......@@ -23,48 +19,32 @@ client.tournaments.index({
The wrapper is organized into resource.method to match the API
For API calls that require nested params (eg: properties should be specified as a nested config option.
All properties can be specified camelCase instead of using under_scores Both of the following are valid:
tournament: { tournamentType: 'single elimination' }
tournament: { tournament_type: 'single elimination' }
###Create a tournament
var challonge = require('./node-challonge');
// create a new instance of the client
var client = challonge.createClient({
apiKey: '***yourAPIKey***',
// create a tournament
tournament: {
name: 'new_tournament_name',
url: 'new_tournament_url', //also can be used as id
url: 'new_tournament_url',
tournamentType: 'single elimination',
callback: function(err,data){
callback: function(err, data){
if (err) { console.log(err); return; }
###test/test.js has examples of all the api methods.
###Challonge docs:
##API Client
createClient takes one argument for configuration and returns an instance of the api client. The configuration object can contain the following options:
_createClient_ takes one argument for configuration and returns an instance of the api client. The configuration object can contain the following options:
* `apiKey` string (required) - Your challonge API Key
......@@ -73,6 +53,28 @@ createClient takes one argument for configuration and returns an instance of the
* `format` string (optional) - The format of the response data. Defaults to 'json'. If set to 'json', will return javascript objects. 'xml' will return the raw text string.
The wrapper is organized into resource.method to match the API
For API calls that require nested params (eg: properties should be specified as a nested config option:
tournament: {
name: 'new_tournament_name',
url: 'new_tournament_url',
tournamentType: 'single elimination',
callback: function(err, data){}
All properties can be specified camelCase instead of using under_scores Both of the following are valid:
tournament: { tournamentType: 'single elimination' }
tournament: { tournament_type: 'single elimination' }
1. validate required params
2. docs
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