Commit cb250a33 authored by Aaron Tidwell's avatar Aaron Tidwell

add client constructor tests

parent 6d0496a1
### 1.2a
- Add tests (#7)
- Fix crash on creating a client instance with no options
- Fix challonge.createClient massageProperties is tautologically true (#2)
### 1.0
- Initial Release
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ var Client = exports.Client = function(options) {
if (!this.options.version) {
this.options.version = 1;
if (!this.options.massageProperties) {
if (typeof this.options.massageProperties === 'undefined') {
this.options.massageProperties = true;
if (!this.options.format) {
var Client = require('./client').Client;
describe('Client Class', () => {
describe('constructor', () => {
it('should set options to the object that is passed', () => {
const opts = {};
const client = new Client(opts);
it('should default the version to 1 or use the number passed', () => {
expect(new Client().options.version).toBe(1);
expect(new Client({
version: 10
it('should set massageProperties to true by default, or override to false if passed', () => {
expect(new Client().options.massageProperties).toBe(true);
expect(new Client({
massageProperties: false
it('should set the format to json by default, or override if passed', () => {
expect(new Client().options.format).toBe('json');
expect(new Client({
format: 'xml'
it('should set the subdomain to whatever was passed', () => {
spyOn(Client.prototype, 'setSubdomain');
const client = new Client({
subdomain: 'somedomain'
it('should attach a getter to the options object', () => {
const client = new Client();
expect(typeof client.options.get).toBe('function');
it('should attach a getter to the options object', () => {
const client = new Client();
expect(typeof client.options.get).toBe('function');
client.options.someProp = 'someVal';
## Usage
### Install
$ npm install challonge --save
### Get all tournaments on your account
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