Commit fe0739c9 authored by Aaron Tidwell's avatar Aaron Tidwell


parent e545b700
......@@ -27,18 +27,28 @@ The wrapper is organized into resource.method to match the API
For API calls that require nested params (eg: properties should be specified as a nested config option.
All properties can be specified camelCase instead of using under_scores Both of the following are valid:
tournament: { tournamentType: 'single elimination' }
tournament: { tournament_type: 'single elimination' }
var challonge = require('./node-challonge');
var client = challonge.createClient({
apiKey: '***yourAPIKey***'
apiKey: '***yourAPIKey***',
tournament: {
name: 'new_tournament_name',
url: 'new_tournament_url', //also can be used as id
tournament_type: 'single elimination',
subdomain: 'challongeOrganizationSubdomain' //optional (must be passed or setSubdomain called for use with organizations), used to automatically pass tournament[subdomain] and prefixes to tournament urls
tournamentType: 'single elimination',
callback: function(err,data){
if (err) { console.log(err); return; }
......@@ -51,6 +61,29 @@ client.tournaments.create({
###Challonge docs:
Returns an instance of the api client, configured by object
obj.apiKey: - string (required)
Your challonge API Key
obj.subdomain - string (optional)
Setting the subdomain automatically passes tournament[subdomain] and prefixes the subdomain to tournament urls. If you don't want to pass a subdomain to the constructor, and want to use an organization (or multiple organizations), you must use client.setSubdomain('subdomain') before making api calls.
obj.format: - string (optional)
The format of the response data. Defaults to 'json'. If set to 'json', will return javascript objects. 'xml' will return the raw text string.
1. validate required params
2. docs
......@@ -61,8 +94,6 @@ client.tournaments.create({
##Bugs in the API / docs
server 500s if trying to finalize() a tournament that has not yet been start()ed shows particpants.randomize as GET when method is actually POST shows participant_id as a required field when the server does not respect passing it, and is not required. shows participant_id as a required field when the server does not respect passing it, and is not required.
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ var client = challonge.createClient({
version: 1,
var tourneyName = 'nodeapitestCamel';
var tourneyName = 'nodeapitestcamel';
function index() {
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