Commit 8a561fb0 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

so far

parent 17193a04
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import { FileUploadDto } from './dto/FileUpload.dto';
import AppClass = AppsJson.AppClass;
import { AssetsS3Service } from './assets-s3/assets-s3.service';
import { MulterDirectEngine } from './packager/MulterStreamEngine';
import * as fs from 'fs';
export class AppController {
......@@ -89,23 +90,23 @@ export class AppController {
@ApiParam({ name: 'platform', description: 'APP 的 版本号', enum: AppsJson.Platform })
@ApiParam({ name: 'locale', description: 'APP 的 版本号', enum: AppsJson.Locale })
@ApiParam({ name: 'version', description: 'APP 的 版本号' })
description: 'app 的 tar.gz 文件',
type: FileUploadDto,
@ApiCreatedResponse({ type: BlankReturnMessageDto })
async makeBuild(
@FetchMyCardUser() user: MyCardUser,
@UploadedFile() file: Express.Multer.File,
//@UploadedFile() file: Express.Multer.File,
@Param('id') id: string,
@Param('platform') platform: AppsJson.Platform,
@Param('locale') locale: AppsJson.Locale,
@Param('version') version: string
) {
if (!file) {
throw new BlankReturnMessageDto(400, 'no file').toException();
return this.appService.makeBuild(user, file, id, platform, locale, version);
return this.appService.makeBuild(user, fs.createReadStream('/tmp/test1.tar.gz'), id, platform, locale, version);
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import { App } from './entities/App.entity';
import { BlankReturnMessageDto, ReturnMessageDto } from './dto/ReturnMessage.dto';
import { FetchMyCardUser, MyCardUser } from './utility/mycard-auth';
import { PackagerService } from './packager/packager.service';
import internal from 'stream';
export class AppService extends ConsoleLogger {
......@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ export class AppService extends ConsoleLogger {
async makeBuild(
user: MyCardUser,
file: Express.Multer.File,
stream: internal.Readable,
id: string,
platform: AppsJson.Platform,
locale: AppsJson.Locale,
......@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ export class AppService extends ConsoleLogger {
if (!user) {
throw new BlankReturnMessageDto(401, 'Needs login').toException();
this.log('Build: Checking app.');
//this.log('Build: Checking app.');
const app = await this.db.getRepository(App).findOne({
where: { id },
select: ['id', 'packagePrefix', 'author'],
......@@ -153,7 +154,8 @@ export class AppService extends ConsoleLogger {
if (!app.isUserCanEditApp(user)) {
throw new BlankReturnMessageDto(403, 'Permission denied').toException();
const result = await, app.packagePrefix);
this.log(`Start packaging ${}.`);
const result = await, app.packagePrefix);
return new ReturnMessageDto(201, 'success', result);
......@@ -28,12 +28,13 @@ export class PackagerService extends ConsoleLogger {
async build(stream: internal.Readable, pathPrefix?: string): Promise<PackageResult> {
this.log(`Start packaging.`);
const root = await fs.promises.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'mycard-console-'));
const tarballRoot = await fs.promises.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'mycard-console-tarball-'));
let extractRoot = root;
if (pathPrefix) {
extractRoot = path.join(root, pathPrefix);
await fs.promises.mkdir(extractRoot, { recursive: true });
await this.spawnAsync('tar', ['-zxvf', '-'], { cwd: extractRoot, stdio: [stream, 'inherit', 'inherit'] });
await this.spawnAsync('tar', ['-zxvf', '-'], { cwd: extractRoot, stdio: [stream, 'ignore', 'ignore'] });
this.log(`Package extracted to ${extractRoot}.`);
......@@ -42,17 +43,17 @@ export class PackagerService extends ConsoleLogger {
const [directories, files] = _.partition(entries, (item) => item.stats.isDirectory());
// checksum
const c = this.checksum(
const checksum = await this.checksum(
root, => d.path), => f.path)
const promises = [c];
const promises: Promise<[string, string]>[] = [];
// 整包
const archive = `${uuidv4()}.tar.gz`;
packages[archive] = [];
promises.push(this.archive(archive, root, await fs.promises.readdir(root)));
packages[archive] = ['_full'];
promises.push(this.archive(archive, root, tarballRoot, await fs.promises.readdir(root)));
// 散包
const buckets: Record<string, [string[], number]> = {};
......@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ export class PackagerService extends ConsoleLogger {
if (bucket[1] + file.stats.size >= this.bucket_max) {
const archive = `${uuidv4()}.tar.gz`;
packages[archive] = bucket[0];
promises.push(this.archive(archive, root, bucket[0]));
promises.push(this.archive(archive, root, tarballRoot, bucket[0], checksum));
bucket[0] = [];
bucket[1] = 0;
} else {
......@@ -74,27 +75,35 @@ export class PackagerService extends ConsoleLogger {
} else {
const archive = `${uuidv4()}.tar.gz`;
packages[archive] = [file.path];
promises.push(this.archive(archive, root, [file.path]));
promises.push(this.archive(archive, root, tarballRoot, [file.path], checksum));
for (const bucket of Object.values(buckets)) {
if (bucket[0].length) {
const archive = `${uuidv4()}.tar.gz`;
packages[archive] = bucket[0];
promises.push(this.archive(archive, root, bucket[0]));
promises.push(this.archive(archive, root, tarballRoot, bucket[0], checksum));
// TODO: 更新包
const [checksum] = await Promise.all(promises); // 这个 await 过后,checksum 和 打包上传都已经跑完了
const gotPackages = await Promise.all(promises); // 这个 await 过后,checksum 和 打包上传都已经跑完了
for (const differentPackages of gotPackages.filter((p) => p[0] !== p[1])) {
const [originalPackage, gotPackage] = differentPackages;
packages[gotPackage] = packages[originalPackage];
delete packages[originalPackage];
this.log({ checksum, packages });
await fs.promises.unlink(root);
await fs.promises.rm(root, { recursive: true });
await fs.promises.rm(tarballRoot, { recursive: true });
return new PackageResult(checksum, packages);
async checksum(root: string, directories: string[], files: string[]) {
const { stdout } = await util.promisify(child_process.execFile)('sha256sum', files, { maxBuffer: 1 * 1024 ** 2 });
async checksum(root: string, directories: string[], files: string[]): Promise<Record<string, string>> {
const { stdout } = await util.promisify(child_process.execFile)('sha256sum', files, { maxBuffer: 1 * 1024 ** 2, cwd: root });
return Object.fromEntries([
['.', ''], => [d, '']),
......@@ -102,12 +111,20 @@ export class PackagerService extends ConsoleLogger {
archive(archive: string = `${uuidv4()}.tar.gz`, root: string, files: string[]) {
const child = child_process.spawn('tar', ['-zcvf', '-'].concat(files), {
async archive(
archive: string = `${uuidv4()}.tar.gz`,
root: string,
tarballRoot: string,
files: string[],
checksum: Record<string, string> = {}
): Promise<[string, string]> {
const archivePath = path.join(tarballRoot, archive);
await this.spawnAsync('tar', ['-zcvf', archivePath].concat(files), {
cwd: root,
stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'inherit'],
return this.s3.uploadFile(archive, child.stdout, 'application/tar+gzip');
const fileSize = (await fs.promises.stat(archivePath)).size;
await this.s3.uploadFile(archive, fs.createReadStream(archivePath), { ContentType: 'application/tar+gzip', ContentLength: fileSize });
return [archive, archive];
private spawnAsync(command: string, args: string[], options: child_process.SpawnOptions) {
import { ConsoleLogger, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import { ListObjectsCommand, PutObjectCommand, S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3';
import { ListObjectsCommand, PutObjectCommand, PutObjectCommandInput, S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3';
import { createHash } from 'crypto';
import internal from 'stream';
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export class S3Service extends ConsoleLogger {
// already uploaded
return downloadUrl;
} else {
return this.uploadFile(filename, file.buffer, file.mimetype);
return this.uploadFile(filename, file.buffer, { ContentType: file.mimetype });
} catch (e) {
this.error(`Failed to upload assets ${path}: ${e.toString()}`);
......@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ export class S3Service extends ConsoleLogger {
async uploadFile(path: string, content: Buffer | internal.Readable, mime?: string) {
async uploadFile(path: string, content: Buffer | internal.Readable, extras: Partial<PutObjectCommandInput> = {}) {
await this.s3.send(
new PutObjectCommand({
Bucket: this.bucket,
Key: this.getPathWithPrefix(path),
Body: content,
ContentType: mime,
return `${this.cdnUrl}/${path}`;
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