Commit e464bca1 authored by nano's avatar nano


parent ec3ca211
This diff is collapsed.
import axios from 'axios';
import config from './config';
import * as uuid from 'uuid';
import * as _ from 'lodash'
import {XmlDocument} from 'xmldoc';
......@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ async function main() {
let {data} = await axios.get(config.old_apps_json);
let newApps = await axios.get(config.new_apps_json); => {
apps[app['id']] = app;
......@@ -116,15 +115,19 @@ async function main() {
// for (let app of data) {
// if (['th10'].includes(app['id'])) {
// for (let app of _.sampleSize(data, 1)) {
// if (!['ygopro', 'desmume', 'test'].includes(app['id'])) {
// await updateApp(app);
// }
// }
for (let app of _.sampleSize(data, 1)) {
for (let i = 0, t = 0; i <= data.length; i += 1, t += 60000) {
let app = data[i];
if (!['ygopro', 'desmume', 'test'].includes(app['id'])) {
await updateApp(app);
setTimeout(async () => {
await updateApp(app);
}, t);
} catch (e) {
......@@ -78,10 +78,9 @@ export async function bundle(...args) {
let fullPath = path.join(path.dirname(filePath), `${fullHash}.tar.gz`);
await fs.renameAsync(filePath, fullPath);
await fs.removeAsync(uploadFile_path)
await fs.removeAsync(package_path)
return {
uploadFilePath: uploadFile_path,
pckagePath: package_path,
distPath: dist_path,
files: Array.from(files.values()),
archives: Array.from(archives.values()),
......@@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ export const UploadPackage = async (ctx: Context) => {
// 上传完,干掉本地目录
await fs.removeAsync(bundled.distPath);
await fs.removeAsync(bundled.pckagePath);
await fs.removeAsync(bundled.uploadFilePath);
} catch (e) {
......@@ -183,6 +185,8 @@ const uploadPackageUrl = async (ctx: Context) => {
// 上传完,干掉本地目录
await fs.removeAsync(bundled.distPath);
await fs.removeAsync(bundled.pckagePath);
await fs.removeAsync(bundled.uploadFilePath);
} catch (e) {
pack!.status = 'failed';
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