Commit 23c2bcd5 authored by 神楽坂玲奈's avatar 神楽坂玲奈


parent 62558f23
Pipeline #385 canceled with stages
......@@ -18,14 +18,12 @@ if [ "$EXISTING" == "$CURRENT" ]; then
echo "Same"
echo "Diff"
if [ ! -n "$EXISTING_ROUTE" ]; then
DEL_CMD="ip route del $EXISTING_ROUTE"
echo $DEL_CMD
bash -c "$DEL_CMD"
if [ -n "$EXISTING_ROUTE" ]; then
echo ip route del $EXISTING_ROUTE
ip route del $EXISTING_ROUTE
ADD_CMD="ip route add $CURRENT proto $PROTO $TAIL"
echo $ADD_CMD
bash -c "$ADD_CMD"
echo ip route add $CURRENT proto $PROTO $TAIL
ip route add $CURRENT proto $PROTO $TAIL
sleep 60
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