Commit f6623a32 authored by cutealien's avatar cutealien

Fix: Prevent division by 0 in CGUIScrollBar::setPos

git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
parent 0e48c939
Changes in 1.9 (not yet released)
- Fix: Prevent division by 0 in CGUIScrollBar::setPos
- Fix: Add missing serialization to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS and CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya
- Fix: File-open dialog now restores the original locale after modifying it internally
- Fix first calculation of the camerascenenode boundingsphere.
......@@ -348,20 +348,22 @@ void CGUIScrollBar::setPos(s32 pos)
Pos = core::s32_clamp ( pos, Min, Max );
if (Horizontal)
f32 f = (RelativeRect.getWidth() - ((f32)RelativeRect.getHeight()*3.0f)) / range();
DrawPos = (s32)( ( ( Pos - Min ) * f) + ((f32)RelativeRect.getHeight() * 0.5f));
DrawHeight = RelativeRect.getHeight();
if ( core::isnotzero ( range() ) )
f32 f = (RelativeRect.getHeight() - ((f32)RelativeRect.getWidth()*3.0f)) / range();
if (Horizontal)
f32 f = (RelativeRect.getWidth() - ((f32)RelativeRect.getHeight()*3.0f)) / range();
DrawPos = (s32)( ( ( Pos - Min ) * f) + ((f32)RelativeRect.getHeight() * 0.5f));
DrawHeight = RelativeRect.getHeight();
f32 f = (RelativeRect.getHeight() - ((f32)RelativeRect.getWidth()*3.0f)) / range();
DrawPos = (s32)( ( ( Pos - Min ) * f) + ((f32)RelativeRect.getWidth() * 0.5f));
DrawHeight = RelativeRect.getWidth();
DrawPos = (s32)( ( ( Pos - Min ) * f) + ((f32)RelativeRect.getWidth() * 0.5f));
DrawHeight = RelativeRect.getWidth();
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