Commit 569387a6 authored by IamI's avatar IamI

Style update

parent 7ec2a83b
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ card style:
else if is_ko() then "KoreanYSB"
else if is_cn() then "方正隶变_GBK"
else "MatrixRegularSmallCaps"
italic name: { if is_tw() then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 5" else "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4" }
italic name: { if is_cn() then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 5" else if is_tw() then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 5" else "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4" }
size: { if is_tw() or is_cn() or is_jp() then 24 else if is_ko() then 27 else 32 }
......@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ card style:
else if not hide_foil() and card.rarity=="ultimate rare (No foil)" then rgb(69,60,0)
else if not hide_foil() and card.rarity=="parallel rare" then rgb(88,76,12)
else if not hide_foil() and card.rarity=="gold rare" then rgb(88,76,12)
else if is_whitetext_monster() then rgb(255,255,255)
else if is_blmonster() or is_link() then rgb(255,255,255)
else if is_nmonster() then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
......@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ card style:
else if is_jp() then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4"
else if is_ko() then "SD Book-B"
else if is_cn() then "方正隶变_GBK"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh!ITCStoneSerifSmallCapsBold"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh!ITCStoneSerifSmallCaps"
italic name: { if is_en() or is_ko() then "ITC Stone Serif" else if is_cn() then "DFPLiShuW5-B5" else "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4" }
size: { if is_cn() then 13.5 else if is_jp() or is_tw() then 13 else 13 }
color: rgb(0,0,0)
......@@ -417,7 +418,7 @@ card style:
else if is_ko() then "SD Book-L"
else if is_cn() then "方正隶变_GBK"
else "MatrixBook"
italic name: { if is_en() then "ITC Stone Serif Italic" else if is_tw() then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 5" else "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4" }
italic name: { if is_cn() then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 5" else if is_en() then "ITC Stone Serif Italic" else if is_tw() then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 5" else "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4" }
size: { if is_ko() then "10.5" else if is_en() then "10.5" else if is_tw() then "12" else "11.5"}
scale down to: 3
color: rgb(0,0,0)
......@@ -652,6 +653,7 @@ card style:
else if is_ko() then "SD Book-L"
else if is_cn() then "方正隶变_GBK"
else "MatrixBook"
italic name: { if is_cn() then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 5" else if is_en() then "ITC Stone Serif Italic" else if is_tw() then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 5" else "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4" }
size: 8
scale down to: 3
color: rgb(0,0,0)
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
is_12star :={ remove_tags(card.level) == "************" }
is_13star :={ remove_tags(card.level) == "*************" }
is_blmonster := {card.card_type == "dark synchro monster" or card.card_type == "xyz monster"}
is_whitetext_monster := {card.card_type == "link monster" or card.card_type == "fusion monster"}
is_link := {card.card_type == "link monster"}
is_tw := { set.language == "TW" }
is_cn := { set.language == "CN" }
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