Commit 59c332d8 authored by AntiMetaman's avatar AntiMetaman


parent 733ff6ac
......@@ -164,14 +164,14 @@ card style:
if foil_is_full() then 421
else if is_transparent() then 392
else if is_transparent() then 393
else if image_noframe() and is_nopendulum() then 332
else if is_nopendulum() then 320
else 365.5
if foil_is_full() then 614
else if is_transparent() then 585
else if is_transparent() then 586
else if image_noframe() and is_nopendulum() then 332
else if is_big_pend() then 273
else if is_medium_pend() then 273
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ card style:
<<<<<<< HEAD
if is_transparent() then if is_pendulum() then 29 else 14
else if image_noframe() and is_nopendulum() then 45.5
else if is_nopendulum() then 51
......@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ card style:
else if image_noframe() and is_nopendulum() then 107.5
else if is_nopendulum() then 112.5
else 109.5
if is_transparent() then if is_pendulum() then 28.5 else 14
else if image_noframe() and is_nopendulum() then 44
else if is_nopendulum() then 50
......@@ -336,13 +336,13 @@ card style:
else if image_noframe() and is_nopendulum() then 105
else if is_nopendulum() then 112
else 106.5
>>>>>>> origin/master
if is_transparent() then if is_pendulum() then 365.5 else 392
else if image_noframe() and is_nopendulum() then 332
else if is_nopendulum() then 320
<<<<<<< HEAD
else 365.5
......@@ -357,22 +357,6 @@ card style:
else if is_small_pend() then 344.5
else 320
z index: -1
else 363
if is_transparent() then if is_pendulum() then 466 else 582
else if image_noframe() and is_nopendulum() then 330
else if is_nopendulum() then 320
else if pend_image_is_small() and is_big_pend() then 275
else if pend_image_is_small() and is_medium_pend() then 275
else if pend_image_is_small() and is_small_pend() then 298
else if is_big_pend() then 360
else if is_medium_pend() then 345
else if is_small_pend() then 345
else 320
z index: 1
>>>>>>> origin/master
mask: {if is_link() then "mask-link.png"}
############################# Card type
monster type:
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