Commit 0baca3ae authored by 云游君's avatar 云游君 Committed by GitHub


parent ab37978f
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Mirai is building a community (with `mirai-console`) that allows developers to s
- (Community)`C++`: [mirai-cpp]( A simple C++ SDK using `mirai-api-http` for ALL platforms.
- (Community)`C++`: [miraipp]( A sophisticated, modern mapping for `mirai-http-api` to C++, providing development documents.
- (Community)`Rust`: [mirai-rs]( The Rust mapping for `mirai-http-api`.
- (Community)`TypeScropt`: [mirai-ts]( TypeScript SDK comes with a declaration file, has good code hints, and can also be used as a JavaScript SDK.
### Use as a library
You can install mirai as a library into your project.
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