Commit 3eb97454 authored by Him188's avatar Him188

Fix #231, fix #254

parent 9531ed8a
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
val sender = group[pbPushMsg.msg.msgHead.fromUin] as MemberImpl
val name = extraInfo?.groupCard?.run {
kotlin.runCatching {
if (this[0] == 0x0A.toByte() && this[1] == 0x0A.toByte() && this[2] == 0x0A.toByte() && this[3] == 0x08.toByte())
if (this[0] == 0x0A.toByte())
loadAs(Oidb0x8fc.CommCardNameBuf.serializer()).richCardName?.firstOrNull { it.text.isNotEmpty() }
else return@runCatching null
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