Commit 9f4dfa7e authored by jiahua.liu's avatar jiahua.liu

terminal console closable

parent 52c2f7a4
......@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@
MAC_OS -> listOf("Graphical","Terminal","WebPanel","Pure")
Linux -> listOf("Terminal","Pure")
ANDROID -> listOf("Android","Pure","WebPanel")
else -> listOf("Pure")
else -> listOf("Pure")
3: 以策略区分
return when(task){
体验 -> listOf("Graphical","Terminal","WebPanel","Android","Pure")
测试插件 -> listOf("Pure")
调试插件 -> byOperatingSystem()
体验 -> listOf("Graphical","Terminal","WebPanel","Android","Pure")
测试插件 -> listOf("Pure")
调试插件 -> byOperatingSystem()
Linux稳定挂机 -> listOf("Terminal","Pure")
else -> listOf("Pure")
else -> listOf("Pure")
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