Commit a5853ba2 authored by Him188's avatar Him188

Rename `delegate` to `mutable`

parent 9db853e6
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ inline fun <R> Contact.withSession(block: BotSession.() -> R): R {
* 只读联系人列表
class ContactList<C : Contact> @PublishedApi internal constructor(internal val delegate: MutableContactList<C>) : Map<UInt, C> {
class ContactList<C : Contact> @PublishedApi internal constructor(internal val mutable: MutableContactList<C>) : Map<UInt, C> {
* ID 列表的字符串表示.
* 如:
......@@ -69,19 +69,19 @@ class ContactList<C : Contact> @PublishedApi internal constructor(internal val d
val idContentString: String get() = this.keys.joinToString(prefix = "[", postfix = "]") { it.toLong().toString() }
override fun toString(): String = delegate.toString()
override fun toString(): String = mutable.toString()
// TODO: 2019/12/2 应该使用属性代理, 但属性代理会导致 UInt 内联错误. 等待 kotlin 修复后替换
override val size: Int get() = delegate.size
override fun containsKey(key: UInt): Boolean = delegate.containsKey(key)
override fun containsValue(value: C): Boolean = delegate.containsValue(value)
override fun get(key: UInt): C? = delegate[key]
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = delegate.isEmpty()
override val entries: MutableSet<MutableMap.MutableEntry<UInt, C>> get() = delegate.entries
override val keys: MutableSet<UInt> get() = delegate.keys
override val values: MutableCollection<C> get() = delegate.values
override val size: Int get() = mutable.size
override fun containsKey(key: UInt): Boolean = mutable.containsKey(key)
override fun containsValue(value: C): Boolean = mutable.containsValue(value)
override fun get(key: UInt): C? = mutable[key]
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = mutable.isEmpty()
override val entries: MutableSet<MutableMap.MutableEntry<UInt, C>> get() = mutable.entries
override val keys: MutableSet<UInt> get() = mutable.keys
override val values: MutableCollection<C> get() = mutable.values
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ internal class MutableContactList<C : Contact> : MutableMap<UInt, C> {
// TODO: 2019/12/2 应该使用属性代理, 但属性代理会导致 UInt 内联错误. 等待 kotlin 修复后替换
private val delegate = mutableMapOf<UInt, C>()
private val delegate = linkedMapOf<UInt, C>()
override val size: Int get() = delegate.size
override fun containsKey(key: UInt): Boolean = delegate.containsKey(key)
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ internal data class GroupImpl internal constructor(override val bot: Bot, val gr
override suspend fun updateGroupInfo(): GroupInfo = bot.withSession {
GroupPacket.QueryGroupInfo(qqAccount, internalId, sessionKey).sendAndExpect<RawGroupInfo>().parseBy(this@GroupImpl)
GroupPacket.QueryGroupInfo(qqAccount, internalId, sessionKey).sendAndExpect<RawGroupInfo>().parseBy(this@GroupImpl).also { info = it }
override suspend fun quit(): QuitGroupResponse = bot.withSession {
......@@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ internal data class GroupImpl internal constructor(override val bot: Bot, val gr
override suspend fun CoroutineContext.startUpdater() {
subscribeAlways<MemberJoinEventPacket> {
// FIXME: 2019/11/29 非线程安全!!
members.delegate[] = it.member
members.mutable[] = it.member
subscribeAlways<MemberQuitEvent> {
// FIXME: 2019/11/29 非线程安全!!
override fun toString(): String = "Group(${})"
override fun iterator(): Iterator<Member> = members.delegate.values.iterator()
override fun iterator(): Iterator<Member> = members.values.iterator()
internal data class QQImpl internal constructor(override val bot: Bot, override val id: UInt, override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) : ContactImpl(),
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