Commit b42b40dd authored by Him188's avatar Him188

Remove ambiguous comments

parent 8a355cc0
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class Bot(val account: BotAccount, val logger: MiraiLogger, context: CoroutineCo
* [关闭][BotNetworkHandler.close]网络处理器, 取消所有运行在 [BotNetworkHandler] 下的协程.
* 然后重新启动并尝试登录
@JvmOverloads // shouldn't be suspend!! This function MUST NOT inherit the context from the caller because the caller(NetworkHandler) is going to close
suspend fun reinitializeNetworkHandler(
configuration: BotConfiguration,
cause: Throwable? = null
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class Bot(val account: BotAccount, val logger: MiraiLogger, context: CoroutineCo
* [关闭][BotNetworkHandler.close]网络处理器, 取消所有运行在 [BotNetworkHandler] 下的协程.
* 然后重新启动并尝试登录
@JvmOverloads // shouldn't be suspend!! This function MUST NOT inherit the context from the caller because the caller(NetworkHandler) is going to close
fun reinitializeNetworkHandlerAsync(
configuration: BotConfiguration,
cause: Throwable? = null
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