Commit cc9f2159 authored by Him188's avatar Him188

Make private

parent c59d58de
......@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ internal object LoginPacket : PacketFactory<LoginPacket.LoginPacketResponse, Log
object SubCommand9 {
const val appId = 16L
const val subAppId = 537062845L
private const val appId = 16L
private const val subAppId = 537062845L
operator fun invoke(
client: QQAndroidClient
): OutgoingPacket = buildLoginOutgoingPacket(client, 537062845L) { sequenceId ->
): OutgoingPacket = buildLoginOutgoingPacket(client, subAppId) { sequenceId ->
writeOicqRequestPacket(client, EncryptMethodECDH135(client.ecdh), id) {
writeShort(9) // subCommand
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