Commit f3cbb6e4 authored by Him188's avatar Him188


parent eef4ed12
......@@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ private inline fun <reified R> PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.param(name
private inline fun <reified R> PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.paramOrNull(name: String): R? =
when {
R::class == Byte::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toByte()
R::class == Int::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toInt()
R::class == Short::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toShort()
R::class == Float::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toFloat()
R::class == Long::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toLong()
R::class == Double::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toDouble()
R::class == Boolean::class -> when (call.parameters[name]) {
when (R::class) {
Byte::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toByte()
Int::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toInt()
Short::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toShort()
Float::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toFloat()
Long::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toLong()
Double::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toDouble()
Boolean::class -> when (call.parameters[name]) {
"true" -> true
"false" -> false
"0" -> false
......@@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ private inline fun <reified R> PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.paramOrNul
else -> illegalParam("boolean", name)
R::class == String::class -> call.parameters[name]
String::class -> call.parameters[name]
R::class == UByte::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toUByte()
R::class == UInt::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toUInt()
R::class == UShort::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toUShort()
UByte::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toUByte()
UInt::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toUInt()
UShort::class -> call.parameters[name]?.toUShort()
R::class == UByteArray::class -> call.parameters[name]?.hexToUBytes()
R::class == ByteArray::class -> call.parameters[name]?.hexToBytes()
UByteArray::class -> call.parameters[name]?.hexToUBytes()
ByteArray::class -> call.parameters[name]?.hexToBytes()
else -> error(name::class.simpleName + " is not supported")
} as R?
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