Commit 2caaa3aa authored by chechunchi's avatar chechunchi

update MsgShuffleSetCard

parent 68a20f07
Pipeline #22322 passed with stage
in 15 seconds
......@@ -489,9 +489,10 @@ message StocGameMessage {
// 盖卡切洗
message MsgShuffleSetCard {
CardZone zone = 1; // 区域编号
repeated CardLocation from_locations =
2; // 洗切前的卡location,以洗切后的顺序排列
CardZone zone = 1; // 区域编号
repeated CardLocation from_locations = 2; // 需要洗切的卡的location
repeated CardLocation overlay_locations =
3; // 如果切洗的卡有超量素材,则这是切洗后超量素材的location,和`from_locations`对应
// 战斗阶段可操作指示
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