Commit 30ca1973 authored by chechunchi's avatar chechunchi

add MsgRockPaperScissors and MsgHandResult

parent 975e4a81
Pipeline #22387 passed with stage
in 11 seconds
......@@ -802,6 +802,17 @@ message StocGameMessage {
int32 player = 1; // 玩家编号
// 提示玩家选择石头剪刀布
message MsgRockPaperScissors {
int32 player = 1; // 玩家编号
// 玩家选择石头剪刀布的结果
message MsgHandResult {
int32 result1 = 1;
int32 result2 = 2;
// 断线重连
message MsgReloadField {
message ZoneAction {
......@@ -880,5 +891,7 @@ message StocGameMessage {
MsgShuffleSetCard shuffle_set_card = 48;
MsgFieldDisabled field_disabled = 49;
MsgShuffleDeck shuffle_deck = 50;
MsgRockPaperScissors rock_paper_scissors = 51;
MsgHandResult hand_res = 52;
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