Commit 45955a17 authored by chechunchi's avatar chechunchi

add MsgShuffleDeck

parent 984aa1c4
Pipeline #22346 passed with stage
in 30 seconds
......@@ -797,6 +797,11 @@ message StocGameMessage {
repeated Action actions = 1;
// 切洗卡组
message MsgShuffleDeck {
int32 player = 1; // 玩家编号
// 断线重连
message MsgReloadField {
message ZoneAction {
......@@ -874,5 +879,6 @@ message StocGameMessage {
MsgToss toss = 47;
MsgShuffleSetCard shuffle_set_card = 48;
MsgFieldDisabled field_disabled = 49;
MsgShuffleDeck shuffle_deck = 50;
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