Commit 7deb552a authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

Merge branch 'feat/reload_field' into 'main'

add MsgReloadField

See merge request !35
parents 96e06224 c4100afb
Pipeline #20814 failed with stage
in 30 seconds
......@@ -602,6 +602,40 @@ message StocGameMessage {
repeated Action actions = 3;
// 断线重连
message MsgReloadField {
message ZoneAction {
CardZone zone = 1;
int32 sequence = 2;
int32 position = 3;
int32 overlay_count = 4;
message ChainAction {
int32 chain_code = 1;
CardLocation = location = 2;
int32 triggering_controller = 3;
int32 triggering_location = 4;
int32 triggering_sequence = 5;
int32 effect_description = 6;
message Action {
int32 player = 1; // 玩家编号
int32 lp = 2; // 剩余LP值
repeated ZoneAction zone_actions = 3;
int32 main_size = 4; // 主卡组数量
int32 hand_size = 5; // 手牌数量
int32 grace_size = 6; // 墓地数量
int32 removed_size = 7; // 除外区数量
int32 extra_size = 8; // 额外卡组数量
int32 extra_p_size = 9; // TODO
int32 chain_size = 10; // 连锁数量
repeated ChainAction chain_actions = 11;
int32 duel_rule = 1; // 大师规则
repeated Action actions = 2;
oneof gameMsg {
MsgStart start = 1;
MsgDraw draw = 2;
......@@ -626,5 +660,6 @@ message StocGameMessage {
MsgWait wait = 21;
MsgUnimplemented unimplemented = 22;
MsgUpdateData update_data = 23;
MsgReloadField reload_field = 24;
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