Commit 32f82388 authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233

add random_duel.blank_pass_match

parent ad650954
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
"enabled": false,
"no_rematch_check": false,
"record_match_scores": true,
"blank_pass_match": true,
"ready_time": 20,
"hang_timeout": 90
......@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ ROOM_find_or_create_random = (type, player_ip)->
playerbanned = (bannedplayer and bannedplayer.count > 3 and moment() < bannedplayer.time)
result = _.find ROOM_all, (room)->
return room and room.random_type != '' and !room.started and
((type == '' and room.random_type != 'T') or room.random_type == type) and
((type == '' and (room.random_type == 'S' or (settings.modules.random_duel.blank_pass_match and room.random_type != 'T'))) or room.random_type == type) and
room.get_playing_player().length < max_player and
(settings.modules.random_duel.no_rematch_check or room.get_host() == null or
room.get_host().ip != ROOM_players_oppentlist[player_ip]) and
......@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@
max_player = type === 'T' ? 4 : 2;
playerbanned = bannedplayer && bannedplayer.count > 3 && moment() < bannedplayer.time;
result = _.find(ROOM_all, function(room) {
return room && room.random_type !== '' && !room.started && ((type === '' && room.random_type !== 'T') || room.random_type === type) && room.get_playing_player().length < max_player && (settings.modules.random_duel.no_rematch_check || room.get_host() === null || room.get_host().ip !== ROOM_players_oppentlist[player_ip]) && (playerbanned === room.deprecated || type === 'T');
return room && room.random_type !== '' && !room.started && ((type === '' && (room.random_type === 'S' || (settings.modules.random_duel.blank_pass_match && room.random_type !== 'T'))) || room.random_type === type) && room.get_playing_player().length < max_player && (settings.modules.random_duel.no_rematch_check || room.get_host() === null || room.get_host().ip !== ROOM_players_oppentlist[player_ip]) && (playerbanned === room.deprecated || type === 'T');
if (result) {
result.welcome = '${random_duel_enter_room_waiting}';
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