Commit 39fb4491 authored by IamIpanda's avatar IamIpanda

Fix cannot get this inner extra_mode_func

parent 58104b64
Pipeline #26218 passed with stages
in 8 minutes and 52 seconds
......@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ class Room
@hostinfo.lflist = lflist
for extra_mode_func from extra_mode_list
extra_mode_func rule this, rule
if (rule.match /(^|,|,)(NOLFLIST|NF)(,|,|$)/)
@hostinfo.lflist = -1
......@@ -1681,7 +1681,7 @@
this.hostinfo.lflist = lflist;
for (extra_mode_func of extra_mode_list) {
extra_mode_func(rule);, rule);
if (rule.match(/(^|,|,)(NOLFLIST|NF)(,|,|$)/)) {
this.hostinfo.lflist = -1;
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