Commit fe4de6dc authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 09131e88
Pipeline #13286 passed with stages
in 10 minutes and 47 seconds
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ init = () ->
imported = true
#import the old Challonge api key option
if settings.modules.challonge.options
settings.modules.challonge.api_key = settings.modules.challonge.options.api_key
settings.modules.challonge.api_key = settings.modules.challonge.options.apiKey
delete settings.modules.challonge.options
imported = true
#import the old random_duel.blank_pass_match option
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
//import the old Challonge api key option
if (settings.modules.challonge.options) {
settings.modules.challonge.api_key = settings.modules.challonge.options.api_key;
settings.modules.challonge.api_key = settings.modules.challonge.options.apiKey;
delete settings.modules.challonge.options;
imported = true;
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