Commit d5c2e9c5 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

fix smartdns port

parent 1c3d1f4f
......@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ smartdns_image: yousiki/smartdns:x86_64
web_port_occupied: false
# array of addresses
smartdns_address: null
- 53
- 54
- 55
kms_address: null
squid_address: null
apt_cacher_address: null
......@@ -6,20 +6,16 @@ services:
{% if smartdns_address %}
{% for address in smartdns_address %}
- '{{address}}:55:53'
- '{{address}}:55:53/udp'
- '{{address}}:54:53'
- '{{address}}:54:53/udp'
- '{{address}}:53:53'
- '{{address}}:53:53/udp'
{% for port in smartdns_ports %}
- '{{address}}:{{port}}:53'
- '{{address}}:{{port}}:53/udp'
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
- '55:53'
- '55:53/udp'
- '54:53'
- '54:53/udp'
- '53:53'
- '53:53/udp'
{% for port in smartdns_ports %}
- '{{port}}:53'
- '{{port}}:53/udp'
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
command: -f -x -c /etc/smartdns/smartdns.conf
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