Commit ce5cb55c authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233

fix hand chaining card unknown

parent c515c111
......@@ -683,12 +683,14 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private void OnChaining(BinaryReader packet)
packet.ReadInt32(); // card id
int cardId = packet.ReadInt32();
int pcc = GetLocalPlayer(packet.ReadByte());
int pcl = packet.ReadByte();
int pcs = packet.ReadSByte();
int subs = packet.ReadSByte();
ClientCard card = _duel.GetCard(pcc, pcl, pcs, subs);
if (card.Id == 0)
int cc = GetLocalPlayer(packet.ReadByte());
if (_debug)
if (card != null) Logger.WriteLine("(" + cc.ToString() + " 's " + (card.Name ?? "UnKnowCard") + " activate effect)");
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