Commit e800dea9 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 5632f744
......@@ -58,9 +58,6 @@ before_install:
sudo cp -rf irrklang/bin/macosx-gcc/*.dylib /usr/local/lib/;
mv -f irrklang/plugins/ikpMP3 ikpmp3;
cp -rf premake/ikpmp3 .;
cd ikpmp3;
patch -p0 < ikpmp3.patch;
cd ..;
......@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ install:
- move irrklang\plugins\ikpMP3 ikpmp3
# let premake happy
- xcopy /E premake\* .
- cp -rf premake/* .
#irrklang pro
- rm -rf irrklang/lib/Win32-visualStudio/irrKlang.lib
- 7z x -oirrklang/lib/Win32-visualStudio -p%irrklang_pro% irrKlang.7z
# patch irrlicht and ikpmp3
# patch irrlicht
- patch -p0 < irrlicht\irrlicht.patch
- patch -p0 < ikpmp3\ikpmp3.patch
# - patch -p0 < ikpmp3\ikpmp3.patch
# premake
- premake5 vs2015
// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// Part of the code for this plugin for irrKlang is based on:
// MP3 input for Audiere by Matt Campbell <>, based on
// libavcodec from ffmpeg (
// See license.txt for license details of this plugin.
#include "CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3.h"
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // free, malloc and realloc
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace irrklang
CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3::CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3(IFileReader* file)
: File(file), TheMPAuDecContext(0), InputPosition(0), InputLength(0),
DecodeBuffer(0), FirstFrameRead(false), EndOfFileReached(0),
FileBegin(0), Position(0)
if (File)
TheMPAuDecContext = new MPAuDecContext();
if (!TheMPAuDecContext || mpaudec_init(TheMPAuDecContext) < 0)
File = 0;
delete TheMPAuDecContext;
TheMPAuDecContext = 0;
// init, get format
DecodeBuffer = new ik_u8[MPAUDEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE];
if (File->getSize()>0)
// seekable file, now parse file to get size
// (needed to make it possible for the engine to loop a stream correctly)
TheMPAuDecContext->parse_only = 1;
Format.FrameCount = 0;
if (!decodeFrame())
Format.FrameCount += TheMPAuDecContext->frame_size;
if (!EndOfFileReached /*&& File->isSeekable()*/ )
// to be able to seek in the stream, store offsets and sizes
SFramePositionData data;
data.size = TheMPAuDecContext->frame_size;
data.offset = File->getPos() - (InputLength - InputPosition) - TheMPAuDecContext->coded_frame_size;
TheMPAuDecContext->parse_only = 0;
decodeFrame(); // decode first frame to read audio format
if (!TheMPAuDecContext->channels ||
!TheMPAuDecContext->sample_rate )
File = 0;
delete TheMPAuDecContext;
TheMPAuDecContext = 0;
if (File)
if (TheMPAuDecContext)
delete TheMPAuDecContext;
delete [] DecodeBuffer;
//! returns format of the audio stream
SAudioStreamFormat CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3::getFormat()
return Format;
//! tells the audio stream to read n audio frames into the specified buffer
ik_s32 CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3::readFrames(void* target, ik_s32 frameCountToRead)
const int frameSize = Format.getFrameSize();
int framesRead = 0;
ik_u8* out = (ik_u8*)target;
while (framesRead < frameCountToRead)
// no more samples? ask the MP3 for more
if (DecodedQueue.getSize() < frameSize)
if (!decodeFrame() || EndOfFileReached)
return framesRead;
// if the buffer is still empty, we are done
if (DecodedQueue.getSize() < frameSize)
return framesRead;
const int framesLeft = frameCountToRead - framesRead;
const int dequeSize = DecodedQueue.getSize() / frameSize;
const int framesToRead = framesLeft < dequeSize ? framesLeft : dequeSize;, framesToRead * frameSize);
out += framesToRead * frameSize;
framesRead += framesToRead;
Position += framesToRead;
return framesRead;
bool CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3::decodeFrame()
int outputSize = 0;
while (!outputSize)
if (InputPosition == InputLength)
InputPosition = 0;
InputLength = File->read(InputBuffer, IKP_MP3_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (InputLength == 0)
EndOfFileReached = true;
return true;
int rv = mpaudec_decode_frame( TheMPAuDecContext, (ik_s16*)DecodeBuffer,
(ik_u8*)InputBuffer + InputPosition,
InputLength - InputPosition);
if (rv < 0)
return false;
InputPosition += rv;
} // end while
if (!FirstFrameRead)
Format.ChannelCount = TheMPAuDecContext->channels;
Format.SampleRate = TheMPAuDecContext->sample_rate;
Format.SampleFormat = ESF_S16;
Format.FrameCount = -1; // unknown lenght
FirstFrameRead = true;
if (TheMPAuDecContext->channels != Format.ChannelCount ||
TheMPAuDecContext->sample_rate != Format.SampleRate)
// Can't handle format changes mid-stream.
return false;
if (!TheMPAuDecContext->parse_only)
if (outputSize < 0)
// Couldn't decode this frame. Too bad, already lost it.
// This should only happen when seeking.
outputSize = TheMPAuDecContext->frame_size;
memset(DecodeBuffer, 0, outputSize * Format.getFrameSize());
DecodedQueue.write(DecodeBuffer, outputSize);
return true;
//! sets the position of the audio stream.
/** For example to let the stream be read from the beginning of the file again,
setPosition(0) would be called. This is usually done be the sound engine to
loop a stream after if has reached the end. Return true if sucessful and 0 if not. */
bool CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3::setPosition(ik_s32 pos)
if (!File || !TheMPAuDecContext)
return false;
if (pos == 0)
// usually done for looping, just reset to start
File->seek(FileBegin); // skip possible ID3 header
EndOfFileReached = false;
MPAuDecContext oldContext = *TheMPAuDecContext;
TheMPAuDecContext->bit_rate = oldContext.bit_rate;
TheMPAuDecContext->channels = oldContext.channels;
TheMPAuDecContext->frame_size = oldContext.frame_size;
TheMPAuDecContext->sample_rate = oldContext.sample_rate;
InputPosition = 0;
InputLength = 0;
Position = 0;
CurrentFramePosition = 0;
return true;
// user wants to seek in the stream, so do this here
int scan_position = 0;
int target_frame = 0;
int frame_count = (int)FramePositionData.size();
while (target_frame < frame_count)
int frame_size = FramePositionData[target_frame].size;
if (pos <= scan_position + frame_size)
scan_position += frame_size;
const int MAX_FRAME_DEPENDENCY = 10;
target_frame = std::max(0, target_frame - MAX_FRAME_DEPENDENCY);
File->seek(FramePositionData[target_frame].offset, false);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < target_frame; i++)
if (i>=(int)FramePositionData.size())
// internal error
return false;
Position += FramePositionData[i].size;
if (!decodeFrame() || EndOfFileReached)
return false;
int frames_to_consume = pos - Position; // PCM frames now
if (frames_to_consume > 0)
ik_u8 *buf = new ik_u8[frames_to_consume * Format.getFrameSize()];
readFrames(buf, frames_to_consume);
delete[] buf;
return true;
return false;
Capacity = 256;
Size = 0;
Buffer = (ik_u8*)malloc(Capacity);
int CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3::QueueBuffer::getSize()
return Size;
void CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3::QueueBuffer::write(const void* buffer, int size)
bool needRealloc = false;
while (size + Size > Capacity)
Capacity *= 2;
needRealloc = true;
if (needRealloc)
Buffer = (ik_u8*)realloc(Buffer, Capacity);
memcpy(Buffer + Size, buffer, size);
Size += size;
int CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3::QueueBuffer::read(void* buffer, int size)
int toRead = size < Size ? size : Size;
memcpy(buffer, Buffer, toRead);
memmove(Buffer, Buffer + toRead, Size - toRead);
Size -= toRead;
return toRead;
void CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3::QueueBuffer::clear()
Size = 0;
void CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3::skipID3IfNecessary()
char header[10];
int read = File->read(&header, 10);
if (read == 10 &&
header[0] == 'I' && header[1] == 'D' && header[2] == '3')
int versionMajor = header[3];
int versionMinor = header[4];
int flags = header[5];
// IDv2 size looks like the following: ID3v2 size 4 * %0xxxxxxx.
// Sick, but that's how it works.
int size = 0;
size = (header[6] & 0x7f) << (3*7);
size |= (header[7] & 0x7f) << (2*7);
size |= (header[8] & 0x7f) << (1*7);
size |= (header[9] & 0x7f) ;
size += 10; // header size
FileBegin = size;
} // end namespace irrklang
#include <irrKlang.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "CIrrKlangAudioStreamLoaderMP3.h"
using namespace irrklang;
#ifdef WIN32
// Windows version
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void ikpMP3Init(ISoundEngine* engine)
// Linux version
extern "C" void ikpMP3Init(ISoundEngine* engine)
// create and register the loader
CIrrKlangAudioStreamLoaderMP3* loader = new CIrrKlangAudioStreamLoaderMP3();
// that's it, that's all.
diff -ur ikpmp3/CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3.cpp ikpmp3-static/CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3.cpp
--- ikpmp3/CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3.cpp 2009-01-02 07:33:40.000000000 +0800
+++ ikpmp3-static/CIrrKlangAudioStreamMP3.cpp 2017-11-27 19:18:34.295546800 +0800
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // free, malloc and realloc
#include <string.h>
+#include <algorithm>
namespace irrklang
diff -ur ikpmp3/ikpMP3.cpp ikpmp3-static/ikpMP3.cpp
--- ikpmp3/ikpMP3.cpp 2007-10-28 18:14:00.000000000 +0800
+++ ikpmp3-static/ikpMP3.cpp 2017-11-27 19:49:02.119092400 +0800
@@ -6,30 +6,14 @@
using namespace irrklang;
-// this is the only function needed to be implemented for the plugin, it gets
-// called by irrKlang when loaded.
-// In this plugin, we create an audiostream loader class and register
-// it at the engine, but a plugin can do anything.
-// Be sure to name the function 'irrKlangPluginInit' and let the dll start with 'ikp'.
#ifdef WIN32
// Windows version
-__declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall irrKlangPluginInit(ISoundEngine* engine, const char* version)
+extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void ikpMP3Init(ISoundEngine* engine)
// Linux version
-void irrKlangPluginInit(ISoundEngine* engine, const char* version)
+extern "C" void ikpMP3Init(ISoundEngine* engine)
- // do some version security check to be sure that this plugin isn't begin used
- // by some newer irrKlang version with changed interfaces which could possibily
- // cause crashes.
- if (strcmp(version, IRR_KLANG_VERSION))
- {
- printf("This MP3 plugin only supports irrKlang version %s, mp3 playback disabled.\n", IRR_KLANG_VERSION);
- return;
- }
// create and register the loader
CIrrKlangAudioStreamLoaderMP3* loader = new CIrrKlangAudioStreamLoaderMP3();
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