Commit 9b9becee authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 304381a7
Pipeline #3393 passed with stages
in 2 minutes and 27 seconds
import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { CardInfoService } from './card-info.service';
describe('CardInfoService', () => {
let service: CardInfoService;
beforeEach(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [CardInfoService],
service = module.get<CardInfoService>(CardInfoService);
it('should be defined', () => {
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
export class CardInfoService {
private cardInfo = {
cn: {
'1010': '',
'1011': '',
'1012': '',
'1013': '',
'1014': '',
'1015': '',
'1016': '',
'1020': '战士',
'1021': '魔法师',
'1022': '天使',
'1023': '恶魔',
'1024': '不死',
'1025': '机械',
'1026': '',
'1027': '',
'1028': '岩石',
'1029': '鸟兽',
'1030': '植物',
'1031': '昆虫',
'1032': '',
'1033': '',
'1034': '',
'1035': '兽战士',
'1036': '恐龙',
'1037': '',
'1038': '海龙',
'1039': '爬虫',
'1040': '念动力',
'1041': '幻神兽',
'1042': '创造神',
'1043': '幻龙',
'1044': '电子界',
'1050': '怪兽',
'1051': '魔法',
'1052': '陷阱',
'1053': '???',
'1054': '通常',
'1055': '效果',
'1056': '融合',
'1057': '仪式',
'1058': '陷阱怪兽',
'1059': '灵魂',
'1060': '同盟',
'1061': '二重',
'1062': '调整',
'1063': '同调',
'1064': '衍生物',
'1065': '???',
'1066': '速攻',
'1067': '永续',
'1068': '装备',
'1069': '场地',
'1070': '反击',
'1071': '反转',
'1072': '卡通',
'1073': '超量',
'1074': '灵摆',
en: {
'1010': 'EARTH',
'1011': 'WATER',
'1012': 'FIRE',
'1013': 'WIND',
'1014': 'LIGHT',
'1015': 'DARK',
'1016': 'DIVINE',
'1020': 'Warrior',
'1021': 'Spellcaster',
'1022': 'Fairy',
'1023': 'Fiend',
'1024': 'Zombie',
'1025': 'Machine',
'1026': 'Aqua',
'1027': 'Pyro',
'1028': 'Rock',
'1029': 'Winged Beast',
'1030': 'Plant',
'1031': 'Insect',
'1032': 'Thunder',
'1033': 'Dragon',
'1034': 'Beast',
'1035': 'Beast-Warrior',
'1036': 'Dinosaur',
'1037': 'Fish',
'1038': 'Sea Serpent',
'1039': 'Reptile',
'1040': 'Psychic',
'1041': 'Divine-Beast',
'1042': 'Creator God',
'1043': 'Wyrm',
'1044': 'Cyberse',
'1050': 'Monster',
'1051': 'Spell',
'1052': 'Trap',
'1053': '???',
'1054': 'Normal',
'1055': 'Effect',
'1056': 'Fusion',
'1057': 'Ritual',
'1058': 'Trap Monster',
'1059': 'Spirit',
'1060': 'Union',
'1061': 'Gemini',
'1062': 'Tuner',
'1063': 'Synchro',
'1064': 'Token',
'1065': '???',
'1066': 'Quick-Play',
'1067': 'Continuous',
'1068': 'Equip',
'1069': 'Field',
'1070': 'Counter',
'1071': 'Flip',
'1072': 'Toon',
'1073': 'Xyz',
'1074': 'Pendulum',
getStringValueByMysticalNumber(lang: string, offset: number, num: number) {
for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (num & (1 << i)) {
const index = offset + i;
const key = index.toString();
return this.cardInfo[lang][key];
return '';
import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { EloService } from './elo.service';
describe('EloService', () => {
let service: EloService;
beforeEach(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [EloService],
service = module.get<EloService>(EloService);
it('should be defined', () => {
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
export class EloService {
getSqlString(num: number) {
if (num === 0 || !num) {
return '';
} else if (num > 0) {
return `+ ${num}`;
} else {
return `- ${-num}`;
getExpScore(expA: number, expB: number, scoreA: number, scoreB: number) {
let rExpA = 0,
rExpB = 0;
if (scoreA === scoreB) {
rExpA += 0.5;
rExpB += 0.5;
} else if (scoreA > scoreB) {
rExpA += 1;
if (expA > expB) rExpB += 0.5;
} else if (scoreA < scoreB) {
rExpB += 1;
if (expA < expB) rExpA += 0.5;
return { expA: rExpA, expB: rExpB };
getEloScore(rA: number, rB: number, sA: number, sB: number) {
//17.07.18 增加规则,平局不加分.
if (sA === sB) {
return { ptA: 0, ptB: 0 };
const k = 24;
const eA = 1 / (1 + Math.pow(10, (rB - rA) / 400));
const eB = 1 / (1 + Math.pow(10, (rA - rB) / 400));
let diffA = k * (sA - eA);
// 如果算出的变动分数小于8或者大于16就按8和16计
if (diffA > 0 && diffA > 16) {
//console.log("diffA 加分大于16 按16分结算", diffA);
diffA = 16;
if (diffA > 0 && diffA < 8) {
//console.log("diffA 加分小于8 按8分结算", diffA);
diffA = 8;
if (diffA < 0 && diffA > -8) {
//console.log("diffA 扣分小于8 按8分结算算", diffA);
diffA = -8;
if (diffA < 0 && diffA < -15) {
//console.log("diffA 扣分大于16 按16分结算", diffA);
diffA = -15;
//const rrA = rA + diffA;
let diffB = k * (sB - eB);
// 如果算出的变动分数小于8或者大于16就按8和16计
if (diffB > 0 && diffB > 16) {
//console.log("diffB 加分大于16 按16分结算", diffB);
diffB = 16;
if (diffB > 0 && diffB < 8) {
//console.log("diffB 加分小于8 按8分结算", diffB);
diffB = 8;
if (diffB < 0 && diffB > -8) {
//console.log("diffB 扣分小于8 按8分结算算", diffB);
diffB = -8;
if (diffB < 0 && diffB < -15) {
//console.log("diffB 扣分大于16 按16分结算", diffB);
diffB = -15;
//const rrB = rB + diffB;
//console.log(diffA, diffB);
// // 加分高于16
// if( (rrB - rB) > 16 ) {
// rrB = rB + 16;
// }
// // 扣分低于8
// if( (rB - rrB) < 8 ) {
// rrB = rB - 8;
// }
return { ptA: diffA, ptB: diffB };
import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { HttpResponseService } from './http-response.service';
describe('HttpResponseService', () => {
let service: HttpResponseService;
beforeEach(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [HttpResponseService],
service = module.get<HttpResponseService>(HttpResponseService);
it('should be defined', () => {
import { HttpException, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CodeResponseDto } from '../dto/CodeResponse.dto';
export class HttpResponseService {
async handlePostCodeResponse(codePromise: Promise<number>) {
const code = await codePromise;
const codeDto = new CodeResponseDto(code);
if (code >= 400) {
throw new HttpException(codeDto, code);
return codeDto;
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