Commit 76b45cf2 authored by wind2009's avatar wind2009


parent ba32bff2
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......@@ -658,6 +658,7 @@
!counter 0x69 Counter(Veda Upanishad)
!counter 0x6a Resonance Counter
!counter 0x6b Deranged Counter
!counter 0x6c Access Counter
#setnames, using tab for comment
!setname 0x1 Ally of Justice
!setname 0x2 Genex
......@@ -1206,3 +1207,9 @@
!setname 0x1ab Ragnaraika
!setname 0x1ac Salamandra
!setname 0x1ad Ashened
!setname 0x1ae Millennium
!setname 0x1af Exodo
!setname 0x1b0 Fiendsmith
!setname 0x1b1 White Woods
!setname 0x1b2 Multchummy
!setname 0x1b3 Emblema
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