Commit ec9ba5cc authored by 神楽坂玲奈's avatar 神楽坂玲奈


parent fd998f2b
......@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@ environment:
secure: ek1AH0N8/KF6VoildmkHnu4TY1yBZcptm20AesAOanRSSGLFqkXeRxL80mHSXtiVY8ggtQNsEQR4M69gCiw1OPVWz4OAN6Vg6id6kho9GqYxWCdADbmffSNPB5leksRGjGmkAF99WHiOIZrLRUb6Bia91Fe5+SngPhI01GDDUZA2urv9x50uBBhc+kvV0bv7J5TeXDGr7tfZ3J2aL/3tf/WPqBkqjWlGAj99HTWpkIiQgwaBHoyBvEFD0uHa1BdSmI7PySGabbx4/4zqyGkO38Ce7t/Ntu/dgedzVxlXYfuiXDI8caAPZSVsJ9E2S3VKesZJzHtV9KM/8Xq0RFPythdC/qTvd2e3IAZGudZpgbUHGAHLJnCzn189Zm+Qle8CbbVuPNDcf1B/G/XwEU2MsDXGkF/kFxdeqbHgjzneyns=
version: '{build}'
- ygopro-images
- ygopro-images-raw
- ps: $fileContent = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----`n"
- ps: $fileContent += $env:priv_key.Replace(' ', "`n")
- ps: $fileContent += "`n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----`n"
- ps: Set-Content c:\users\appveyor\.ssh\id_ecdsa $fileContent
- git submodule update --init --recursive
- ruby generate.rb zh-CN
\ No newline at end of file
#- git submodule update --init --recursive
- bundle install
- ruby generate.rb zh-CN
#build: off
\ No newline at end of file
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