Commit 21ea9a93 authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

fix handle StocHsPlayerChange

parent b3cb5109
......@@ -327,10 +327,32 @@ func (_ pStocTypeChage) Packet2Pb(pkt YgoPacket) ygopropb.YgoStocMsg {
type pStocHsPlayerChange struct{}
func (_ pStocHsPlayerChange) Packet2Pb(pkt YgoPacket) ygopropb.YgoStocMsg {
pb := ygopropb.StocHsPlayerChange{}
pb.State = ygopropb.StocHsPlayerChange_UNKNOWN
status := pkt.Exdata[0]
pos := (status >> 4) & 0xf
state := status & 0xf
pb.Pos = int32(pos)
if pos < 4 {
if state < 8 {
pb.State = ygopropb.StocHsPlayerChange_MOVE
pb.MovedPos = int32(state)
} else if state == 0x9 {
pb.State = ygopropb.StocHsPlayerChange_READY
} else if state == 0xa {
pb.State = ygopropb.StocHsPlayerChange_NO_READY
} else if state == 0xb {
pb.State = ygopropb.StocHsPlayerChange_LEAVE
} else if state == 0x8 {
pb.State = ygopropb.StocHsPlayerChange_TO_OBSERVER
msg := ygopropb.YgoStocMsg_StocHsPlayerChange{
StocHsPlayerChange: &ygopropb.StocHsPlayerChange{
Status: int32(pkt.Exdata[0]),
StocHsPlayerChange: &pb,
return ygopropb.YgoStocMsg{
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