Commit 1d68a915 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

Merge branch 'master' into server

parents 11d96665 1595ed96
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ DataManager dataManager;
bool DataManager::LoadDB(const wchar_t* wfile) {
char file[256];
wchar_t strBuffer[4096];
BufferIO::EncodeUTF8(wfile, file);
sqlite3* pDB;
......@@ -53,6 +52,7 @@ bool DataManager::LoadDB(const wchar_t* wfile) {
CardDataC cd;
CardString cs;
wchar_t strBuffer[4096];
int step = 0;
do {
step = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
......@@ -4427,6 +4427,12 @@ bool DuelClient::LookupSRV(char *hostname, HostResult* result) {
HostResult DuelClient::ParseHost(char *hostname) {
HostResult result;
unsigned int tryAddress = htonl(inet_addr(hostname));
if(tryAddress != -1) { = tryAddress;
result.port = 7911;
return result;
auto trySplitter = strchr(hostname, ':');
if(trySplitter == NULL) {
char srvHostname[114];
<<<<<<< HEAD
#config file
#nickname & gamename should be less than 20 characters
use_d3d = 0
......@@ -19,6 +18,7 @@ autospellpos = 0
randompos = 0
autochain = 0
waitchain = 0
showchain = 0
mute_opponent = 0
mute_spectators = 0
use_lflist = 1
......@@ -57,60 +57,3 @@ music_mode = 1
enable_pendulum_scale = 1
skin_index = -1
locale = default
#config file
#nickname & gamename should be less than 20 characters
use_d3d = 0
use_image_scale = 1
pro_version = 4947
antialias = 2
errorlog = 3
nickname = Komeiji Koishi
gamename = Game
lastcategory = 未分类卡组
lastdeck = new
textfont = ./fonts/simhei.ttf 14
numfont = ./fonts/arial.ttf
serverport = 7911
lasthost =
automonsterpos = 0
autospellpos = 0
randompos = 0
autochain = 0
waitchain = 0
showchain = 0
mute_opponent = 0
mute_spectators = 0
use_lflist = 1
default_lflist = 0
default_rule = 0
hide_setname = 0
hide_hint_button = 0
#control_mode = 0: Key A/S/D/R Chain Buttons. control_mode = 1: MouseLeft/MouseRight/NULL/F9 Without Chain Buttons
control_mode = 0
draw_field_spell = 1
separate_clear_button = 1
#auto_search_limit >= 0: Start search automatically when the user enters N chars
auto_search_limit = -1
#search_multiple_keywords = 0: Disable. 1: Search mutiple keywords with separator " ". 2: with separator "+"
search_multiple_keywords = 1
ignore_deck_changes = 0
default_ot = 1
enable_bot_mode = 1
bot_deck_path = ./windbot/Decks
quick_animation = 0
auto_save_replay = 0
draw_single_chain = 0
prefer_expansion_script = 1
ask_mset = 0
window_maximized = 0
window_width = 1280
window_height = 800
resize_popup_menu = 0
auto_save_replay = 0
enable_sound = 1
enable_music = 1
#Volume of sound and music, between 0 and 100
sound_volume = 50
music_volume = 50
music_mode = 1
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