Commit 4a861544 authored by salix5's avatar salix5

Merge branch 'patch-win' of into Tianchenglipu-patch-win

parents e3283e01 7ca36267
......@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ int DuelClient::ClientAnalyze(char * msg, unsigned int len) {
else if(type < 0x10)
myswprintf(vic_buf, L"[%ls] %ls", mainGame->dInfo.clientname, dataManager.GetVictoryString(type));
myswprintf(vic_buf, L"%ls", dataManager.GetVictoryString(type));
myswprintf(vic_buf, dataManager.GetVictoryString(0x10), dataManager.GetName(BufferIO::ReadInt32(pbuf)));
mainGame->dInfo.vic_string = vic_buf;
} else {
mainGame->showcardcode = 2;
......@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ int DuelClient::ClientAnalyze(char * msg, unsigned int len) {
else if(type < 0x10)
myswprintf(vic_buf, L"[%ls] %ls", mainGame->dInfo.hostname, dataManager.GetVictoryString(type));
myswprintf(vic_buf, L"%ls", dataManager.GetVictoryString(type));
myswprintf(vic_buf, dataManager.GetVictoryString(0x10), dataManager.GetName(BufferIO::ReadInt32(pbuf)));
mainGame->dInfo.vic_string = vic_buf;
mainGame->showcard = 101;
......@@ -259,13 +259,19 @@ bool Game::Initialize() {
irr::gui::IGUITab* tabSystem = wInfos->addTab(dataManager.GetSysString(1273));
chkAutoPos = env->addCheckBox(false, rect<s32>(20, 20, 280, 45), tabSystem, -1, dataManager.GetSysString(1274));
chkAutoPos->setChecked(gameConf.chkAutoPos >= 1);
chkRandomPos = env->addCheckBox(false, rect<s32>(40, 50, 300, 75), tabSystem, -1, dataManager.GetSysString(1275));
chkRandomPos->setChecked(gameConf.chkRandomPos >= 1);
chkAutoChain = env->addCheckBox(false, rect<s32>(20, 80, 280, 105), tabSystem, -1, dataManager.GetSysString(1276));
chkAutoChain->setChecked(gameConf.chkAutoChain >= 1);
chkWaitChain = env->addCheckBox(false, rect<s32>(20, 110, 280, 135), tabSystem, -1, dataManager.GetSysString(1277));
chkWaitChain->setChecked(gameConf.chkWaitChain >= 1);
chkIgnore1 = env->addCheckBox(false, rect<s32>(20, 170, 280, 195), tabSystem, -1, dataManager.GetSysString(1290));
chkIgnore1->setChecked(gameConf.chkIgnore1 >= 1);
chkIgnore2 = env->addCheckBox(false, rect<s32>(20, 200, 280, 225), tabSystem, -1, dataManager.GetSysString(1291));
chkIgnore2->setChecked(gameConf.chkIgnore2 >= 1);
chkHideSetname = env->addCheckBox(false, rect<s32>(20, 200, 280, 285), tabSystem, -1, dataManager.GetSysString(1354));
chkHideSetname->setChecked(gameConf.chkHideSetname >= 1);
wHand = env->addWindow(rect<s32>(500, 450, 825, 605), false, L"");
......@@ -800,6 +806,14 @@ void Game::LoadConfig() {
gameConf.lastip[0] = 0;
gameConf.lastport[0] = 0;
gameConf.roompass[0] = 0;
gameConf.chkAutoPos = 1;
gameConf.chkRandomPos = 0;
gameConf.chkAutoChain = 0;
gameConf.chkWaitChain = 0;
gameConf.chkIgnore1 = 0;
gameConf.chkIgnore2 = 0;
gameConf.chkHideSetname = 0;
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
int fsize = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
......@@ -832,6 +846,20 @@ void Game::LoadConfig() {
} else if(!strcmp(strbuf, "roompass")) {
BufferIO::DecodeUTF8(valbuf, wstr);
BufferIO::CopyWStr(wstr, gameConf.roompass, 20);
} else if(!strcmp(strbuf, "chkAutoPos")) {
gameConf.chkAutoPos = atoi(valbuf);
} else if(!strcmp(strbuf, "chkRandomPos")) {
gameConf.chkRandomPos = atoi(valbuf);
} else if(!strcmp(strbuf, "chkAutoChain")) {
gameConf.chkAutoChain = atoi(valbuf);
} else if(!strcmp(strbuf, "chkWaitChain")) {
gameConf.chkWaitChain = atoi(valbuf);
} else if(!strcmp(strbuf, "chkIgnore1")) {
gameConf.chkIgnore1 = atoi(valbuf);
} else if(!strcmp(strbuf, "chkIgnore2")) {
gameConf.chkIgnore2 = atoi(valbuf);
} else if(!strcmp(strbuf, "chkHideSetname")) {
gameConf.chkHideSetname = atoi(valbuf);
} else {
// options allowing multiple words
sscanf(linebuf, "%s = %240[^\n]", strbuf, valbuf);
......@@ -874,6 +902,14 @@ void Game::SaveConfig() {
fprintf(fp, "lastip = %s\n", linebuf);
BufferIO::EncodeUTF8(gameConf.lastport, linebuf);
fprintf(fp, "lastport = %s\n", linebuf);
fprintf(fp, "chkAutoPos = %d\n", ((mainGame->chkAutoPos->isChecked()) ? 1 : 0));
fprintf(fp, "chkRandomPos = %d\n", ((mainGame->chkRandomPos->isChecked()) ? 1 : 0));
fprintf(fp, "chkAutoChain = %d\n", ((mainGame->chkAutoChain->isChecked()) ? 1 : 0));
fprintf(fp, "chkWaitChain = %d\n", ((mainGame->chkWaitChain->isChecked()) ? 1 : 0));
fprintf(fp, "chkIgnore1 = %d\n", ((mainGame->chkIgnore1->isChecked()) ? 1 : 0));
fprintf(fp, "chkIgnore2 = %d\n", ((mainGame->chkIgnore2->isChecked()) ? 1 : 0));
fprintf(fp, "chkHideSetname = %d\n", ((mainGame->chkHideSetname->isChecked()) ? 1 : 0));
void Game::ShowCardInfo(int code) {
......@@ -888,18 +924,22 @@ void Game::ShowCardInfo(int code) {
else myswprintf(formatBuffer, L"%ls[%08d]", dataManager.GetName(code), code);
int offset = 0;
unsigned long long sc = cd.setcode;
if(cd.alias) {
auto aptr = dataManager._datas.find(cd.alias);
if(aptr != dataManager._datas.end())
sc = aptr->second.setcode;
if(sc) {
offset = 23;
myswprintf(formatBuffer, L"%ls%ls", dataManager.GetSysString(1329), dataManager.FormatSetName(sc));
} else
if(!mainGame->chkHideSetname->isChecked()) {
unsigned long long sc = cd.setcode;
if(cd.alias) {
auto aptr = dataManager._datas.find(cd.alias);
if(aptr != dataManager._datas.end())
sc = aptr->second.setcode;
if(sc) {
offset = 23;
myswprintf(formatBuffer, L"%ls%ls", dataManager.GetSysString(1329), dataManager.FormatSetName(sc));
} else
} else {
if(cd.type & TYPE_MONSTER) {
myswprintf(formatBuffer, L"[%ls] %ls/%ls", dataManager.FormatType(cd.type), dataManager.FormatRace(cd.race), dataManager.FormatAttribute(cd.attribute));
......@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ struct Config {
wchar_t textfont[256];
wchar_t numfont[256];
wchar_t roompass[20];
int chkAutoPos;
int chkRandomPos;
int chkAutoChain;
int chkWaitChain;
int chkIgnore1;
int chkIgnore2;
int chkHideSetname;
struct DuelInfo {
......@@ -179,6 +187,7 @@ public:
irr::gui::IGUICheckBox* chkRandomPos;
irr::gui::IGUICheckBox* chkAutoChain;
irr::gui::IGUICheckBox* chkWaitChain;
irr::gui::IGUICheckBox* chkHideSetname;
irr::gui::IGUIListBox* lstLog;
irr::gui::IGUIButton* btnClearLog;
irr::gui::IGUIButton* btnSaveLog;
#The first line is used for comment
#The first line is used for comment
#line doesn't start with '!' is also neglected
#called by DataManager::GetSysString(), DataManager::GetDesc()
......@@ -325,6 +325,7 @@
!system 1351 投降
!system 1352 主要信息:
!system 1353 播放起始于回合:
!system 1354 不显示卡片系列
!system 1390 等待行动中...
!system 1391 等待行动中....
!system 1392 等待行动中.....
......@@ -377,18 +378,7 @@
!victory 0x2 没有卡可抽
!victory 0x3 超时
!victory 0x4 失去连接
!victory 0x10 「被封印的艾克佐迪亚」效果胜利
!victory 0x11 「终焉的倒计时」效果胜利
!victory 0x12 「毒蛇神 维诺米纳迦」效果胜利
!victory 0x13 「光之创造神 哈拉克提」效果胜利
!victory 0x14 「究极封印神 艾克佐迪奥斯」效果胜利
!victory 0x15 「通灵盘」效果胜利
!victory 0x16 「最终一战!」效果胜利
!victory 0x17No.88 机关傀儡-命运狮子」效果胜利
!victory 0x18 「混沌No.88 机关傀儡-灾厄狮子」效果胜利
!victory 0x19 「头奖壶7」效果胜利
!victory 0x1a 「魂之接力」效果胜利
!victory 0x1b 「鬼计惰天使」效果胜利
!victory 0x10 「%ls」效果胜利
!victory 0x20 由于「%ls」的效果获得比赛胜利
!counter 0x3001 魔力指示物
......@@ -11,3 +11,10 @@ numfont = c:/windows/fonts/arialbd.ttf
serverport = 7911
lastip =
lastport = 7911
chkAutoPos = 1
chkRandomPos = 0
chkAutoChain = 0
chkWaitChain = 0
chkIgnore1 = 0
chkIgnore2 = 0
chkHideSetname = 0
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