Commit a4188894 authored by Chen Bill's avatar Chen Bill

use default initialize

parent 04448d7b
......@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@ private:
int WriteUpdateData(int& player, int location, int& flag, unsigned char*& qbuf, int& use_cache);
DuelPlayer* players[2];
DuelPlayer* pplayer[2];
bool ready[2];
DuelPlayer* players[2]{ nullptr };
DuelPlayer* pplayer[2]{nullptr};
bool ready[2]{ false };
Deck pdeck[2];
int deck_error[2];
unsigned char hand_result[2];
unsigned char last_response;
int deck_error[2]{ 0 };
unsigned char hand_result[2]{ 0 };
unsigned char last_response{ 0 };
std::set<DuelPlayer*> observers;
Replay last_replay;
bool match_mode;
int match_kill;
unsigned char duel_count;
unsigned char tp_player;
unsigned char match_result[3];
short time_limit[2];
short time_elapsed;
bool match_mode{ false };
int match_kill{ 0 };
unsigned char duel_count{ 0 };
unsigned char tp_player{ 0 };
unsigned char match_result[3]{ 0 };
short time_limit[2]{ 0 };
short time_elapsed{ 0 };
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