Commit b717017b authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233
parent 60825c6c
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ CGUITTFont* CGUITTFont::create(IrrlichtDevice *device, const io::path& filename,
//! Constructor.
CGUITTFont::CGUITTFont(IGUIEnvironment *env)
: use_monochrome(false), use_transparency(true), use_hinting(true), use_auto_hinting(true),
batch_load_size(1), Device(0), Environment(env), Driver(0), GlobalKerningWidth(0), GlobalKerningHeight(0) {
batch_load_size(1), Device(0), Environment(env), Driver(0), GlobalKerningWidth(0), GlobalKerningHeight(0), supposed_line_height(0) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
......@@ -345,6 +345,24 @@ bool CGUITTFont::load(const io::path& filename, const u32 size, const bool antia
batch_load_size = old_size;
// Calculate the supposed line height of this font (of this size) --
// Not using FT_SizeMetric::ascender or height, but actually by testing some of the glyphs,
// to see what should give a reasonable not cluttered line height.
// The ascender or height info may as well just be arbitrary ones.
// Get the maximum font height. Unfortunately, we have to do this hack as
// Irrlicht will draw things wrong. In FreeType, the font size is the
// maximum size for a single glyph, but that glyph may hang "under" the
// draw line, increasing the total font height to beyond the set size.
// Irrlicht does not understand this concept when drawing fonts. Also, I
// add +1 to give it a 1 pixel blank border. This makes things like
// tooltips look nicer.
s32 test1 = getHeightFromCharacter((uchar32_t)'g') + 1;
s32 test2 = getHeightFromCharacter((uchar32_t)'j') + 1;
s32 test3 = getHeightFromCharacter((uchar32_t)0x55B5) + 1;
supposed_line_height = core::max_(test1, core::max_(test2, test3));
return true;
......@@ -521,7 +539,7 @@ void CGUITTFont::draw(const core::stringw& text, const core::rect<s32>& position
if (lineBreak) {
previousChar = 0;
offset.Y += font_metrics.ascender / 64;
offset.Y += supposed_line_height; //font_metrics.ascender / 64;
offset.X = position.UpperLeftCorner.X;
if (hcenter)
......@@ -576,20 +594,8 @@ core::dimension2d<u32> CGUITTFont::getDimension(const wchar_t* text) const {
core::dimension2d<u32> CGUITTFont::getDimension(const core::ustring& text) const {
// Get the maximum font height. Unfortunately, we have to do this hack as
// Irrlicht will draw things wrong. In FreeType, the font size is the
// maximum size for a single glyph, but that glyph may hang "under" the
// draw line, increasing the total font height to beyond the set size.
// Irrlicht does not understand this concept when drawing fonts. Also, I
// add +1 to give it a 1 pixel blank border. This makes things like
// tooltips look nicer.
s32 test1 = getHeightFromCharacter((uchar32_t)'g') + 1;
s32 test2 = getHeightFromCharacter((uchar32_t)'j') + 1;
s32 test3 = getHeightFromCharacter((uchar32_t)'_') + 1;
s32 max_font_height = core::max_(test1, core::max_(test2, test3));
core::dimension2d<u32> text_dimension(0, max_font_height);
core::dimension2d<u32> line(0, max_font_height);
core::dimension2d<u32> text_dimension(0, supposed_line_height);
core::dimension2d<u32> line(0, supposed_line_height);
uchar32_t previousChar = 0;
core::ustring::const_iterator iter = text.begin();
......@@ -618,7 +624,7 @@ core::dimension2d<u32> CGUITTFont::getDimension(const core::ustring& text) const
if (text_dimension.Width < line.Width)
text_dimension.Width = line.Width;
line.Width = 0;
line.Height = max_font_height;
line.Height = supposed_line_height;
line.Width += getWidthFromCharacter(p);
......@@ -937,7 +943,7 @@ core::array<scene::ISceneNode*> CGUITTFont::addTextSceneNode(const wchar_t* text
if (line_break) {
previous_char = 0;
offset.Y -= tt_face->size->metrics.ascender / 64;
offset.Y -= supposed_line_height; //tt_face->size->metrics.ascender / 64;
offset.X = start_point.X;
if (center)
offset.X += (text_size.Width - getDimensionUntilEndOfLine(text + 1).Width) >> 1;
......@@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ private:
s32 GlobalKerningWidth;
s32 GlobalKerningHeight;
s32 supposed_line_height;
core::ustring Invisible;
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