Commit 5b78ca03 authored by JoyJ's avatar JoyJ


parent 30eb23e1
Pipeline #119 failed with stage
in 54 seconds
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ public class MySyntaxHighlighter : SyntaxHighlighter
readonly TextStyle mFunStyle = new TextStyle(Brushes.MediumAquamarine, null, FontStyle.Regular);
readonly TextStyle mErrorStyle = new TextStyle(Brushes.Red, null, FontStyle.Bold);
readonly TextStyle mErrorStyle2 = new TextStyle(Brushes.Red, null, FontStyle.Bold);
readonly TextStyle mErrorStyle3 = new TextStyle(Brushes.Red, null, FontStyle.Bold);
public MySyntaxHighlighter(FastColoredTextBox currentTb) : base(currentTb)
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