Commit 68a0521d authored by keyongyu's avatar keyongyu

parent 53850cb8
......@@ -415,12 +415,12 @@ string getMonster(Card c, string img, bool isPendulum)
text = ReText(c.desc);
sb.AppendLine(" " + TAG_TEXT + ":");
//sb.AppendLine(cfg.regx_monster + ":" + cfg.regx_pendulum);
sb.AppendLine(" " + text);
sb.AppendLine(" " + reItalic(text));
sb.AppendLine(GetLine(TAG_PENDULUM, "medium"));
sb.AppendLine(GetLine(TAG_PSCALE1, ((c.level >> 0x18) & 0xff).ToString()));
sb.AppendLine(GetLine(TAG_PSCALE2, ((c.level >> 0x10) & 0xff).ToString()));
sb.AppendLine(" " + TAG_PEND_TEXT + ":");
sb.AppendLine(" " + GetDesc(c.desc, cfg.regx_pendulum));
sb.AppendLine(" " + reItalic(GetDesc(c.desc, cfg.regx_pendulum)));
......@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ string getSpellTrap(Card c, string img, bool isSpell)
sb.AppendLine(GetLine(TAG_LEVEL, GetSpellTrapSymbol(c, isSpell)));
sb.AppendLine(GetLine(TAG_IMAGE, img));
sb.AppendLine(" " + TAG_TEXT + ":");
sb.AppendLine(" " + ReText(c.desc));
sb.AppendLine(" " + reItalic(ReText(c.desc)));
sb.AppendLine(GetLine(TAG_CODE, c.idString));
return sb.ToString();
......@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@
// You can specify all the values or you can use the default the Revision and
// Build Numbers by using the '*' as shown below:
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
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<!-- access these values via the property:
<!-- access these values via the property:
<!-- MSE language data/mse_xxx.txt -->
<add key="mse" value="Chinese-Simplified" />
<!-- MSE language data/mse_xxx.txt -->
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<!-- Language data/cardinfo_xxxx.txt data/language_xxx.txt -->
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<!-- DataEditorX update url-->
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<!-- open file in this.such as lua -->
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<!-- Cut Images Setting -->
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<!-- Example connection to a SQL Server Database on localhost. -->
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connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=DBName;Integrated Security=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> -->
<!-- access these values via the property:
<!-- access these values via the property:
<!-- MSE language data/mse_xxx.txt -->
<add key="mse" value="Chinese-Simplified" />
<!-- MSE language data/mse_xxx.txt -->
<add key="mse" value="Chinese-Simplified" />
<!-- Language data/cardinfo_xxxx.txt data/language_xxx.txt -->
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<!-- async load data -->
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<!-- DataEditorX source code -->
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<!-- DataEditorX update url-->
<add key="updateURL" value="" />
<!-- DataEditorX source code -->
<add key="sourceURL" value="" />
<!-- DataEditorX update url-->
<add key="updateURL" value="" />
<!-- delete,modify with card's files image script -->
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<!-- open file in this.such as lua -->
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<!-- Cut Images Setting -->
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<add key="image" value="44,64,177,254" />
<add key="image_other" value="25,54,128,128" />
<add key="image_xyz" value="24,51,128,128" />
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<add key="image_xyz" value="24,51,128,128" />
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IME = true 使用輸入法,正常顯示文字,反應變慢
IME = false English
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\ No newline at end of file
# database history
# script history
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
cn2tw = false
########################### 存档最大卡片数
maxcount = 0
imagepath = ./Images
imagepath = E:\github\images
########################### Spell/Trap
#jp setting
# spell = %%
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