Commit 79e724fb authored by JoyJ's avatar JoyJ

update English readme(incompleted)

parent 9b9490a7
Pipeline #372 passed with stage
in 1 minute and 20 seconds

This program based on .Net2.0/winXP(need .Net2.0)/win7(with.Net2.0)/win8(need.Net3.5 include 2.0)
This program is based on .Net Framework 4.6
★File association
.lua Notepad++/Sublime text/DataEditorX
.cdb DataEditorX
Click file with right mouse button, Open with, Browse Files, Choose confirm(Yes)
DataEditorX can open files with specified extension:
.lua (Notepad++/Sublime text/DataEditorX)
.cdb (DataEditorX)
If you has problems, please report on
Title:DataEditorX X.X.X.X
The error message text: If there is a error message box, please press Ctrl+C, then paste in someplace.
please give a detailed description of: card message; antivirus; programe location;the operation that time.
Please report on with a format like below, if you have any problem in use.
DataEditorX X.X.X.X
Error message:
The error message text
(If there is a error message box, You can press Ctrl+C to copy the message to clipboard)
Card message; antivirus; program location; your operation at that time.
DataEditorX.exe.config ★Language,★Image,★CodeEditor
data/language_xxx.txt Interface and prompt message
data/cardinfo_xxx.txt types/series
★Language setting
<add key="language" value="chinese" />Simplified Chinese
chinese => english
If you want to add a language,you need two file,xxx is a type of language:
If you want to add a language,you will need two file(xxx is a type of language):
★Image setting
you need it when you want to add or pendulum.
★Image settings
image_quilty 1-100
image Width/height of image and thumbnail,total four numerical value;
image_other pendulum of other cards
image_xyz pendulum of Xyz monsters
image_pendulum Pendulum
★CodeEditor Setting
IME Input Method Editors
★CodeEditor Settings
IME Editors Input Method
tabisspace tab→space
If you need to input Attack "?", you can use anyone of ?/?/-2 instead.
The folder of pics, script and cdb should be in a same folder consistent.
★Read cardlist from ydk and folder pics
Support:png,jpg pics with card number/card number with 0
★Output data
New card:deck/mydiy.ydk
↑ all of them in,you can use it in expansions of ygopro with sound effect or release it.
↑ all of them are in,you can use it in expansions of ygopro with sound effect or release it.
★Database comparison
......@@ -81,7 +70,6 @@ Return in parameter type, C++ implement code
Copy and Replace: If there's a card with same name, replace it.
Copy without Replace: If there's a card with same name, ignore it.
★Card search
1.Now it can not support search by Pendulum Scale
2.You can search card with card name/effect/Attribute/Types/Level(racnk)/effect type/card number
......@@ -103,8 +91,6 @@ Copy without Replace: If there's a card with same name, ignore it.
--Card number over 10000000,less than 20000000
card with same name: 10000000 card number: 10000000
Input keyword in the under text box,press Enter
Ctrl+F Look up
......@@ -114,19 +100,15 @@ Ctrl+K List of function
Ctrl+T List of constant
Ctrl+The mouse wheel Zoom in/out
★Magic Set Editor 2
Download/update:"Magic Set Editor 2/download.bat"
★MSE pics
Support:png,jpg pics with card number/card number with 0
Tick “Set MSE'Image ”,Import pics will go into pics folder under MSE
★MSE flie making setting
mse_xxx.txt modify\r\n can be newlines,\t will replace for tab
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