Commit 986e6e82 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 2a14faa6
Pipeline #327 passed with stages
in 5 minutes and 57 seconds
......@@ -53,92 +53,108 @@ interface DomainRecordInfo {
let config: Config;
let client: Aliyun;
let cdnRecordsRegex: RegExp[];
const requestOption = {
method: "POST"
async function getRecords(): Promise<DomainRecordInfo[]> {
console.log(`Fetching domain records of ${config.domain}.`)
const res: DomainRecordInfo[] = [];
for (let i = 1; ; ++i) {
const ret: DomainRecordReturnResult = await client.request("DescribeDomainRecords", {
DomainName: config.domain,
PageNumber: i,
PageSize: 500,
}, requestOption);
if (!ret.DomainRecords.Record.length) {
class Checker {
config: Config;
client: Aliyun;
cdnRecordsRegex: RegExp[];
static order: number = 0;
id: number;
constructor(config: Config) {
this.config = config;
this.client = new Aliyun(config.aliyun);
this.cdnRecordsRegex = => new RegExp(m.match)); = ++Checker.order;
private message(msg: string) {
console.log(`${} => ${msg}`);
async getRecords(): Promise<DomainRecordInfo[]> {
console.log(`Fetching domain records of ${config.domain}.`)
const res: DomainRecordInfo[] = [];
for (let i = 1; ; ++i) {
const ret: DomainRecordReturnResult = await this.client.request("DescribeDomainRecords", {
DomainName: config.domain,
PageNumber: i,
PageSize: 500,
}, requestOption);
if (!ret.DomainRecords.Record.length) {
for (let record of ret.DomainRecords.Record.filter(m => {
return m.RR && m.Type === "CNAME" && _.any(this.cdnRecordsRegex, r => !!m.RR.match(r)) && _.every(this.cdnRecordsRegex, r => {
if (!m.Value.endsWith(config.domain)) {
return true;
const valuePrefix = m.Value.slice(0, m.Value.length - 1 - config.domain.length);
return !valuePrefix.match(r);
})) {
const port = _.find(config.cdnRecords, r => record.RR.match(r.match)).port;
console.log(`Found record ${record.RR}.${config.domain} => ${record.Value}:${port}.`);
res.push({record, port});
for (let record of ret.DomainRecords.Record.filter(m => {
return m.RR && m.Type === "CNAME" && _.any(cdnRecordsRegex, r => !!m.RR.match(r)) && _.every(cdnRecordsRegex, r => {
if (!m.Value.endsWith(config.domain)) {
return true;
return res;
async checkNode(address: string, port: number): Promise<boolean> {
let currentTestDomain: string;
for (let i = 1; i <= this.config.retryCount; ++i) {
try {
for (let testDomain of this.config.testDomains) {
currentTestDomain = testDomain;
await axios.get(`https://${address}:${port}`, {
headers: {
Host: testDomain
timeout: this.config.timeout,
validateStatus: status => status < 500
const valuePrefix = m.Value.slice(0, m.Value.length - 1 - config.domain.length);
return !valuePrefix.match(r);
})) {
const port = _.find(config.cdnRecords, r => record.RR.match(r.match)).port;
console.log(`Found record ${record.RR}.${config.domain} => ${record.Value}:${port}.`);
res.push({record, port});
this.message(`Node ${address}:${port} is good.`);
return true;
} catch (e) {
this.message(`Node ${address}:${port} Failed in checking ${currentTestDomain} ${i}: ${e.toString()}`);
console.log(`Node ${address}:${port} is bad.`);
return false;
return res;
async function checkNode(address: string, port: number): Promise<boolean> {
let currentTestDomain: string;
for (let i = 1; i <= config.retryCount; ++i) {
try {
for (let testDomain of config.testDomains) {
currentTestDomain = testDomain;
await axios.get(`https://${address}:${port}`, {
headers: {
Host: testDomain
timeout: config.timeout,
validateStatus: status => status < 500
console.log(`Node ${address}:${port} is good.`);
return true;
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Node ${address}:${port} Failed in checking ${currentTestDomain} ${i}: ${e.toString()}`);
async checkRecord(recordInfo: DomainRecordInfo) {
const record = recordInfo.record;
this.message(`${} => Checking record ${record.RR}.${this.config.domain} ${record.Value}:${recordInfo.port} with old status of ${record.Status}.`)
const status = record.Status;
const targetStatus = (await this.checkNode(record.Value, recordInfo.port)) ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE";
if (status != targetStatus) {
this.message(`Changing record status of ${record.RR}.${this.config.domain} ${record.Value}:${recordInfo.port} from ${status} to ${targetStatus}.`);
await this.client.request("SetDomainRecordStatus", {
RecordId: record.RecordId,
Status: targetStatus
}, requestOption);
console.log(`Node ${address}:${port} is bad.`);
return false;
async function checkRecord(recordInfo: DomainRecordInfo) {
const record = recordInfo.record;
console.log(`Checking record ${record.RR}.${config.domain} ${record.Value}:${recordInfo.port} with old status of ${record.Status}.`)
const status = record.Status;
const targetStatus = (await checkNode(record.Value, recordInfo.port)) ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE";
if (status != targetStatus) {
console.log(`Changing record status of ${record.RR}.${config.domain} ${record.Value}:${recordInfo.port} from ${status} to ${targetStatus}.`);
await client.request("SetDomainRecordStatus", {
RecordId: record.RecordId,
Status: targetStatus
}, requestOption);
async start() {
const records = await this.getRecords();
await Promise.all( => {
return this.checkRecord(r);
async function run() {
const records = await getRecords();
await Promise.all(;
const checker = new Checker(config);
await checker.start();
async function main() {
config = YAML.parse(await fs.promises.readFile("./config.yaml", "utf8"));
client = new Aliyun(config.aliyun);
cdnRecordsRegex = => new RegExp(m.match));
//await run();
(new CronJob(config.cronString, run, null, true, "Asia/Shanghai", null, true)).start();
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