Commit b99986d1 authored by wdvxdr's avatar wdvxdr

feature: support custom migu misic

parent 2302cf62
......@@ -190,6 +190,25 @@ func (bot *CQBot) SendGroupMessage(groupId int64, m *message.SendingMessage) int
return bot.InsertGroupMessage(ret)
if i, ok := elem.(*MiguMusicElement); ok {
ret, err := bot.Client.SendGroupRichMessage(groupId, 1101053067, 1, 4, client.RichClientInfo{
Platform: 1,
SdkVersion: "0.0.0",
PackageName: "cmccwm.mobilemusic",
Signature: "6cdc72a439cef99a3418d2a78aa28c73",
}, &message.RichMessage{
Title: i.Title,
Summary: i.Summary,
Url: i.Url,
PictureUrl: i.PictureUrl,
MusicUrl: i.MusicUrl,
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("警告: 群 %v 富文本消息发送失败: %v", groupId, err)
return -1
return bot.InsertGroupMessage(ret)
newElem = append(newElem, elem)
m.Elements = newElem
......@@ -256,6 +275,21 @@ func (bot *CQBot) SendPrivateMessage(target int64, m *message.SendingMessage) in
return 0
if i, ok := elem.(*MiguMusicElement); ok {
bot.Client.SendFriendRichMessage(target, 1101053067, 1, 4, client.RichClientInfo{
Platform: 1,
SdkVersion: "0.0.0",
PackageName: "cmccwm.mobilemusic",
Signature: "6cdc72a439cef99a3418d2a78aa28c73",
}, &message.RichMessage{
Title: i.Title,
Summary: i.Summary,
Url: i.Url,
PictureUrl: i.PictureUrl,
MusicUrl: i.MusicUrl,
return 0
newElem = append(newElem, elem)
m.Elements = newElem
......@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ type CloudMusicElement struct {
type MiguMusicElement struct {
func (e *GiftElement) Type() message.ElementType {
return message.At
......@@ -372,6 +376,7 @@ func (bot *CQBot) ToElement(t string, d map[string]string, group bool) (m messag
return nil, err
tp := d["type"]
if tp != "show" && tp != "flash" {
return img, nil
......@@ -536,6 +541,15 @@ func (bot *CQBot) ToElement(t string, d map[string]string, group bool) (m messag
MusicUrl: d["purl"],
}}, nil
if d["subtype"] == "migu" {
return &MiguMusicElement{MusicElement{
Title: d["title"],
Summary: d["content"],
Url: d["url"],
PictureUrl: d["image"],
MusicUrl: d["purl"],
}}, nil
xml := fmt.Sprintf(`<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><msg serviceID="2" templateID="1" action="web" brief="[分享] %s" sourceMsgId="0" url="%s" flag="0" adverSign="0" multiMsgFlag="0"><item layout="2"><audio cover="%s" src="%s"/><title>%s</title><summary>%s</summary></item><source name="音乐" icon="" url="" action="app" a_actionData="com.tencent.qqmusic" i_actionData="tencent1101079856://" appid="1101079856" /></msg>`,
d["title"], d["url"], d["image"], d["audio"], d["title"], d["content"])
return &message.ServiceElement{
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