Commit 668cc931 authored by Ayaz Salikhov's avatar Ayaz Salikhov


parent 025413bb
......@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ jobs:
- name: Install Dev Dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
make -C main dev-env lint-install
make -C main dev-env hadolint-install
- name: Lint Dockerfiles
run: make -C main lint-all
run: make -C main hadolint-all
- name: Run pre-commit hooks
run: make -C main pre-commit-all
- name: Build Docker Images
......@@ -24,14 +24,3 @@ repos:
rev: v1.5.4
- id: autopep8
- repo: local
- id: hadolint
name: Hadolint linter
description: Runs Hadolint to check for Dockerfile best practices
language: system
# Exclude ppc64le Dockerfile since cannot check their build easily
exclude: ppc64
- dockerfile
entry: hadolint
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ endif
# Linter
# Dockerfile Linter
......@@ -121,17 +121,17 @@ img-rm-dang: ## remove dangling images (tagged None)
@echo "Removing dangling images ..."
-docker rmi --force $(shell docker images -f "dangling=true" -q) 2> /dev/null
lint/%: ARGS?=
lint/%: ## lint the dockerfile(s) for a stack
hadolint/%: ARGS?=
hadolint/%: ## lint the dockerfile(s) for a stack
@echo "Linting Dockerfiles in $(notdir $@)..."
@git ls-files --exclude='Dockerfile*' --ignored $(notdir $@) | grep -v ppc64 | xargs -L 1 $(HADOLINT) $(ARGS)
@echo "Linting done!"
lint-all: $(foreach I,$(ALL_IMAGES),lint/$(I) ) ## lint all stacks
hadolint-all: $(foreach I,$(ALL_IMAGES),hadolint/$(I) ) ## lint all stacks
lint-build-test-all: $(foreach I,$(ALL_IMAGES),lint/$(I) arch_patch/$(I) build/$(I) test/$(I) ) ## lint, build and test all stacks
hadolint-build-test-all: $(foreach I,$(ALL_IMAGES),hadolint/$(I) arch_patch/$(I) build/$(I) test/$(I) ) ## lint, build and test all stacks
lint-install: ## install hadolint
hadolint-install: ## install hadolint
@echo "Installing hadolint at $(HADOLINT) ..."
@curl -sL -o $(HADOLINT) "$(HADOLINT_VERSION)/hadolint-$(shell uname -s)-$(shell uname -m)"
@chmod 700 $(HADOLINT)
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ To integrate and enforce this process in the project lifecycle we are using **gi
### Installation
pre-commit is a Python package that needs to be installed.
pre-commit is a Python package that needs to be installed.
This can be achieved by using the generic task used to install all Python development dependencies.
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $ pip install pre-commit
Then the git hooks scripts configured for the project in `.pre-commit-config.yaml` need to be installed in the local git repository.
$ make pre-commit-install
$ make pre-commit-install
### Run
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ There is a specific `make` target to install the linter.
By default `hadolint` will be installed in `${HOME}/hadolint`.
$ make lint-install
$ make hadolint-install
# Installing hadolint at /Users/romain/hadolint ...
# Installation done!
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ $ make lint-install
The linter can be run per stack.
$ make lint/scipy-notebook
$ make hadolint/scipy-notebook
# Linting Dockerfiles in scipy-notebook...
# scipy-notebook/Dockerfile:4 DL3006 Always tag the version of an image explicitly
......@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ $ make lint/scipy-notebook
# make: *** [lint/scipy-notebook] Error 1
Optionally you can pass arguments to the linter.
Optionally you can pass arguments to the hadolint.
# Use a different export format
$ make lint/scipy-notebook ARGS="--format codeclimate"
$ make hadolint/scipy-notebook ARGS="--format codeclimate"
#### All the Stacks
......@@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ $ make lint/scipy-notebook ARGS="--format codeclimate"
The linter can be run against all the stacks.
$ make lint-all
$ make hadolint-all
### Ignoring Rules
Sometimes it is necessary to ignore [some rules][rules].
Sometimes it is necessary to ignore [some rules][rules].
The following rules are ignored by default and sor for all images in the `.hadolint.yaml` file.
- [`DL3006`][DL3006]: We use a specific policy to manage image tags.
- `base-notebook` `FROM` clause is fixed but based on an argument (`ARG`).
- [`DL3006`][DL3006]: We use a specific policy to manage image tags.
- `base-notebook` `FROM` clause is fixed but based on an argument (`ARG`).
- Building downstream images from (`FROM`) the latest is done on purpose.
- [`DL3008`][DL3008]: System packages are always updated (`apt-get`) to the latest version.
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